Anyone know what you have to do to get each shooting badge for the L98A2 rifle ? Does anyone have the acp for it?

Anyone know what you have to do to get each shooting badge for the L98A2 rifle ?
Does anyone have the acp for it ?

Short answer is yes…
You need to pass the relevant Live Fire lessons for each badge level.

ACP18 Vol 3 Chapter 6 is your friend.
It’s on SharePoint here
If you don’t have access speak to your Sqn staff they should be able to give you the details

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Does cadet portal not have a section on that explains what you have to do to get each badge? I thought that was a thing?

It says you have to achieve certain lesson such as clf lesson 3 , doesn’t say what these lessons are though


Ah, okay. That’s fair enough. Maybe submit a change request asking for a bit more information to be added? I think you can submit feedback directly if you click your user icon in the top right and clicking submit feedback.