Any newly Commisioned officers?

Hi i was wondering if anybody who recently commisioned from c.i to uniform fairly recently and would be willing to offer me some personal advice please would greatly appreciate it.

Have gone through the process relatively recently if you have any specific questions.

But almost all of your questions on the forum so far, including this topic, exist on this forum already - please consider searching for them first :slight_smile:

Im looking for someone that would be willing to talk me through the boarding processes and what i need to know and what they are like etc and also talk me through the intial officers cranwell course. As my wing co advised to reach out to see if someone could spend a bit time advising me of these things etc.

If it is personalised advice youā€™re after, your best bet really is to reach out to relevant staff in your Sqn/Wing. Because they know you, they will be able to tailor advice to your situation, and to your Wing/Region, as the board process (while following the same broad procedure) naturally differs slightly between Wgs/Rgns.

Get in contact with your Wing Training Officer, or Staff Development Officer if your Wing has one. Your Sqn OC/WSO should be helping you through the process as well, and can likely answer most queries.

As @AMW said, theres lots of threads on here with advice for CFC boards and CIC, so consider searching for relevant past threads. Eg. Search results for 'officer board' - Air Cadet Central


Iā€™m 3 years into a commission after 11 years as a CI. A lot of this depends on how much prior knowledge of the corps you have. If you been around a while you shouldnā€™t find Cranwell too arduous. Be prepared for an hour or so of drill everyday and then to be talked at for the rest. The board will vary depending on who is on the panel. Mine focussed on current affairs rather that corps specific knowledge (I suspect they were briefed on my ā€˜serviceā€™ history). Get know your key ACPs, what the RAF is doing at the moment and a bit about what is going on the world.

You have the 2 boards, definitely donā€™t ā€œgo in blindā€ and take some advice from Wing Staff Officers. Motivations as to why you want to be a RAFAC officer are a good start after thatā€¦

Prepare for Safeguarding, Safeguarding and a bit more Safeguarding with a tiny % of knowledge on some other stuff

Understand ACPs 1-5 and RAFACā€™s Astra policy ACP 007 - I would also recommend understanding Civ comm and padres and their roles. Understand for your Wing board their strategy set out by the Wing Commander for the year (your OC can help with this) understand the key roles within the Wing and people.

Regional board isnā€™t going to concentrate that much on Wing level for obvious reasons. Make sure your safeguarding and health and safety knowledge especially how to report safeguarding concerns is sound.

RAF knowledge is helpful however a current operation OP shader, operated from RAF Akrotiri using Typhoons based from 3 Squadron from RAF Coningsby. Gives you a current operation, a current aircraft and 2 stations (one ā€œhomeā€ and one overseas).

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