Announcing ACC Learn


[size=5]Air Cadet Central is proud to introduce Air Cadet Central [color=#d90931]Learn[/color], an online training platform for the Air Cadet Organization based on open-source software and volunteer collaboration. [/size]

So far, only the History of the ATC section has been created, to demonstrate the capabilities of the system.

On Learn, each course is managed by a group of instructors, and the project needs volunteers like you to contribute your knowledge and experience!

[size=4]How to get involved[/size]
[li]Watch our Getting Started video.[/li]
[li]Register an account.[/li]
[li]Experiment with the activities in the sandbox area of the Helpdesk.[/li]
[li]Request the creation of a new course using the Helpdesk (you will automatically be added as an instructor when it is created).[/li]
[li]If you want to help manage an existing course, contact the course instructors using the course forum.[/li]

[size=5]Comments, queries and suggestions welcome![/size]

Ladies and Gents,

This could well be the answer we’re looking for! Please support ACC Learn as best you can and spread the word.

Although a part of Air Cadet Central, it is separate from the forum so for it to work to it’s fullest capabilities users should register with their real name and location.

This will allow ACO Squadrons and Units to use ACC Learn as it’s Online Learning Provider of choice.

Thanks all for your support,


Epic. What Ultilearn should be.

Just had a play and it is really simple to use. Could be the answer for Junior Cadet training although we will still be stuck with Utifail for some time I would think…but as a teaching/learning tool, it looks really good. Look forward to seeing other subjects.

I’ve had a quick look, looks very impressive, and a hell of a lot more accessible than Ultilearn.
I did have a couple of not authorized errors but I presume that’s due to the sections not being complete?

I’ll certainly be pushing this under my OC’s nose to integrate it into our training programme.

[quote=“mtbcol” post=5181]I’ve had a quick look, looks very impressive, and a hell of a lot more accessible than Ultilearn.
I did have a couple of not authorized errors but I presume that’s due to the sections not being complete?

I’ll certainly be pushing this under my OC’s nose to integrate it into our training programme.[/quote]
Could you be a bit more specific with where you’re seeing the errors? There might be a problem somewhere. You have to be logged in to access some parts of the site, because they track your progress, and it won’t track anonymous users.

Thanks for your support of the project, and please keep on reporting any issues.

Good use of moodle,

Arialist is a nice theme to start with, although my personal preference is that there is too much whitespace. I built up the blank template for our version.

[quote=“special_k” post=5183]Good use of moodle,

Arialist is a nice theme to start with, although my personal preference is that there is too much whitespace. I built up the blank template for our version.[/quote]
I agree. However, I did quite a lot of informal testing, and Arialist came out best.

I tested how long it took people to find a particular activity, watched them to have a go at creating an activity (which they hadn’t been shown how to do) and I asked them general questions about which theme they liked best.

Generally, the youngest cadets (13 years old) and oldest staff members (83 years old) were better at navigating the site with a simpler theme. The female cadets preferred the more decorative themes, but couldn’t necessarily use them any better.

If you have any content that is suitable for importing into Learn, it would be really appreciated.

I’ve been working through the self study history of the ATC, overall very impressed. This is exactly the sort of thing we need.

I did have one issue with the which gliders are in service? question. The question doesn’t ask a question which prompts a true or false answer, and the one which seemed right. (that the Kirby and Sedburgh are false, and the Viking and Vigilant are true) was wrong. (as was the reverse.)

Can we also add in a page to cover some of the more recent changes to the Corps? Such as the introduction of Adult NCO, and the change to master cadet? It seems to end the history at the same point as the old ACP, which was about 13 years ago.

I also got an error when I attempted the exam.

Other than that. Cracking stuff.

Seeing as there is a trial going on at the moment to create a moodle system for the potential to replace Ultilearn, would it be an idea to send this up the chain and maybe get involved further?

“Sorry, but you do not currently have permissions to do that (Attempt quizzes)”

I get this error when I try to submit answers for the quiz…

Don’t worry, I realised it was because I wasn’t enrolled on the course!

Thanks for spotting that. I’ll sort it out. Edit: Done.

I wrote most of the content using the old ACPs, and to be honest, I don’t know very much about the recent history of the Corps. If anyone is interested in making such a page, I’ll make them a course instructor straight away.

The self-enrolment link is a bit hidden, actually. I’ll make it more visible. Edit: Done.

I can’t use/do anything in the sandbox - should I be able to?

Hm, yes you should. Are you ‘enrolled’ on the helpdesk?

Actually, it’s probably a good idea for everybody to be enrolled on the helpdesk by default…

Or, do you think it’s a good idea to do away with enrolments entirely?

No, I wasn’t enrolled in the help desk, personally I think having to enrol for everything is a bit of a waste of time. If we’re trying to get people doing stuff then make it as easy as possible I think :slight_smile:

So I enrolled (same username) and then - when my confirmation email didn’t arrive - realised that I put my email as “trg.” instead of “training.”.

Once the mocking is completed, could someone please sort my email out?


[quote=“MattB” post=7478]So I enrolled (same username) and then - when my confirmation email didn’t arrive - realised that I put my email as “trg.” instead of “training.”.

Once the mocking is completed, could someone please sort my email out?

Done that for you. I also confirmed your account, so you should be able to log in straight away.