American Football

I was planning to but I’ve been awake since 0500 Friday morning (thank you kids). Pretty sure I’ll die if I don’t go to bed tonight. Will be first time missing it for 14 years.

Planning on a london bar, redwoods at tower bridge for it next year if people want a mini acc fest


Spare room, flask of tea, tin of shortbread…
but if the game is boring the half time show might kill me off and resort to video tomorrow…

Or… Is there anyway we can plan a funded scouting trip for a proposed RAFAC expedition to the States at the same time?

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I normally use that as nap time

Just arrived in Iceland… pretty sure Ms. Victor Zulu will kill me if I put the game on at 23:30 considering we were up at 4 to catch the flight :rofl:



Its in arizona next year so go for a 10 min stroll in the desert, call it AT Exped, job done.

Gold level road marching through Death Valley?


I feel sweaty just thinling about it

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Pregame baby!

Why is the photo sideways?!

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Beginning to consider risking it. Pointless training course tomorrow. Cameras and mics are to be off the whole time so I can stay in bed

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I’ve got a visit from a builder tomorrow, followed by the blinds company.

Stuff ut!

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Gonna be a cracking halftime show too

Stong beer choice.

I have samuel adams and bud light lined up

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I cant wait… Gotta be better than last years car crash

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It’s that tine again

The audio on the bbc for the anthem was gash, solid flypast though

I’m watching in Sky.

Found it very strange that they had a woman to sign for the death during the songs, but then she wasn’t actually on the TV for the anthems? :man_shrugging:

I was tempted to be good and go to bed. But the Lord tells us not to give in to temptation so I’m watching


Good lad

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