Am I too strict?

Have I woken up in the twilight zone today… 2 serious posts from you that I agree with?!

Have I woken up in the twilight zone today… 2 serious posts from you that I agree with?![/quote]

is this where i can say he’s not ServicalSmeer and claim £5?

As much as it has surprised us all, keep on topic please.


I don’t see anything wrong with that… in Winter! :slight_smile:

There has to be two strands to this; clean shoes, pressed trousers, neat hair/shaving where there can be little quarter on what is expected.

However when it comes to what we wear, given that we are at the whim and fancy of clothing stores or what we might have in our own stores, commonsense has to be applied, unless we actively advocate staff and cadets privately purchasing uniform they are scaled for. Cadets grow and sometimes keeping up with them is a problem, unless staff are prepared to take time out and go to stores.


I don’t see anything wrong with that… in Winter! :)[/quote]

I may be wrong as I don’t have a copy with me at work but im sure the AP states adult staff can wear short sleeves all year round otherwise they would have to wear a tie its not like staff can wear dark blue shirts even in the RAF only certain trades are allowed to wear them.

My point being if it says you can in the AP there is nothing any of us can really do or is this another case of one of those things people like to change to suit a situation?

I think the point people are making is that if you have said cadets must be in shirt and tie, it’s presumably because it’s a relatively formal occasion; so the staff should be, too. If you think it’s informal enough to wear a short-sleeved shirt (which 99% of the time it is, as you say from your regular experience) then why can’t the cadets wear 2C?

Personally I think cadets should be issued short-sleeved shirts instead of dark blue; but that’s a whole nother thread…

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Ahhh I get you now yes that is very wrong if the cadets are in a tie the staff should be that includes CI’s I didn’t get the point as o dont see that on our Sqn


For the record, I wear short sleeves (no jumper) all year round!

(Except for when I need to be in a tie, clearly)

^^ likewise

Which to me makes perfect sense as the AP says its allowed we have a CI on our sqn that wears CS95 he is an ex cadet and has a very unhealthy intrest in fire arms and seems to know how SF operate U know the type. Anyway he goes off on one when told he cant wear it as the AP says so really GMG

Zinggy, you sure you aren’t on my squadron, I have one like that…

Haha that depends on what Sqn you ar on!

In all fairness im sure every sqn has one

if you aren’t happy with a CI you should just chin him off anyway - your absolute primary duty is child protection, your veiw on an individuals suitability to be around children should not depend on whether that individuals dress does or does not meet anyone elses views on whats appropriate.

so yes, you fit the mold of ‘strict’ - you get all chewed up inside about creases, shoe polish and the length of shirt sleeves, but don’t seem that bothered about the presence of someone who’se motives for being round children, judgement, and interests you are deeply suspicious of.

interesting that you mention you were in the RAF - you are former CAS Jock Stirrup, and i claim my £5!

Unfortunately you can’t “chin off” every person who has a bit of a kink for uniform - if we did that a large portion of the ACO, the RAF, the rest of the military, the police, the NHS and even traffic wardens would be out of work!!

I have no idea how the second half of this sentence relates to the first. Nor did anything he said raise any child protection concerns.

Tell hm where the door is! Or rather have your CO tell him!

[quote=angus] … your absolute primary duty is child protection, your veiw on an individuals suitability to be around children should not depend on whether that individuals dress does or does not meet anyone elses views on whats appropriate.

Where did that come from??

A couple of thoughts:

  1. I know plenty of CIs who are ‘a bit weird’ all things considered. However, that doesn’t make them a danger to kids.

  2. Zinggy, I don’t think you sound too strict as long as you aren’t being a tool about enforcing the rules in a ‘respect mah authoritah!’ kind of way. Obviously common sense applies.

  3. I really, really hate short sleeve shirts.

Well for starters I cant “chin” anyone off its not my place to do so as I am not the CO.

I am not sure how you think there is a child protection issue from what I said and I most certainly dont put the standard of uniform above the saftey of any Cadet.

How is it intresting that I was in the RAF dose this somehow make me bad at what I do?

I think, and I may be wrong, that he is implying that you are dining out too much on the ex-RAF comment.

or to put it another way, you mention it too much.