The question is when we get the hotter weather (say 30°C+) in the summer, with the stall now set, we should get a similar response and our hot spells don’t just last a few hours like a storm blowing through, they can last a week or more in extremis. The 1976 heatwave was 2 or 3 months and was as a teenager, brilliant, many days spent with mates getting up to all sorts and long queues at the local pool.
Similarly wrt cold spells like 2010-11 and the “beast from the East” a couple of years ago and imagine the sphincter twitching with winters like 1947 and 1962-63.
CAC, if his management style is to have any credibility going forward cannot now pick and choose as the criticism will be widespread. Now a yellow warning, anywhere hot, cold, wet, windy for consistency and we all stop. Can he now just issue advice and leaves it up to Sqn Cdrs to decide? I’ve never been a fan of this man and nothing as yet is changing this thinking.
Didn’t we have a D&C Camp and parade the other year when the temps were very high.
Would it be cancelled now under this direction. And who would pick up the costs of returning cadets and staff back to their units, especially after initial costs have been agreed with train and coach companies
The last group of people HQAC want to annoy is parents and I’m not sure they really understand this.
I’ve been on the end of annoyed parents when things have been cancelled like flying and gliding, as little John/Jane were looking forward to it and more over it’s sodded up the parents’ plans. Imagine this week, parents been away and coming back today as little John/Jane was going to be away with cadets, but they have had to curtail their break. I’d pass them the CACs SM and email if they wanted to comment.
Sorry the ccf need to realise they are part of RAFAC and RAF, this should be a positive step as it could open up more resources but it comes with a tag that HQAC can and will have a say on all activities and people need to grow up and realise if they want to wear a military uniform it comes with military style accountability even if the decision may nit suit. All I see kn this sight is CCF complaining that they are nit getting their own way. Maybe it would have been better to let RHQs make the STOP/GO decision but even then if they gave the answer no one wanted the CCF are not part of the RAFAC supporters will be finding ways around it.
My line is ivwould love to do fmst at in autumn spring but my CofC decline any applications between the formentioned dates. I would copy the orders but my phone doesn’t like sharepoint. As for my role well one day I may go into uniform but then I would need some new socks lol
If HQAC are open, honest & trust us, CFAV can be pretty mature & accepting
It says a lot when a comment about the maturity of cadets to understand something opens the box on how CFAV better meet their leadership obligation (and hold the desire to do so) to be understood than HQAC.
The irony is that we actually teach cadets about ego states and encourage them to work towards “adult-adult” conversations, while our own paid and unpaid leaders insist on controlling parent-child.
Yes to the former, no to the latter. CCF are also set up with Army having the overall service command with headteachers having control as well because of their statutory duties and powers in a school. CCF and HQCA knew that’s what they signed up for. Sometimes it’s to our advantage, other times it isn’t. We are quite happy playing to the rules. What @WellIbedammed seems to struggle with is that RAFAC isn’t the same thing as ATC and it’s perfectly possible for two groups under one overarching organisation to have slightly different rules, particularly when one of those groups also has to answer to other overarching organisations.
I know it’s not perfect, I’m in an RAF section only CCF and yet we still have to dance to the Army’s tune as well as RAFAC. It would be a lot easier for me to just come under one HQ, but in multi section contingents that doesn’t work
Saying a person or group needs to realise something is trying to force a mindset or culture that that doesn’t natural exist and often it is something that cannot be imposed without force.
To reach a true compromise both sides must adjust to a mutually agreeable situation that works on the ground.
Watch the video link which I use when teaching leadership to my cadets
The CCF often don’t follow the ‘rules’ that are applied to to the ATC because quite frankly, HQAC is unable to enforce them & there is conflict with other rules.
The CCF are separate to the ATC and the ATC needs to realise that RAFAC is not the same as ATC. The CCF also has larger political influence than the ATC due to being under the department of education rather than the MoD let alone The headmaster conference that can write public letters to the Times harming the brand.
The CCF has assisting long before the ATC with some air sections being set up in the 1920s.
I personally feel that the ATC would benefit being more like the CCF & if a Sqn Cdr is canny they can be to a certain extent.
If all the Sqn Cdrs wrote a letter to the chair of defence select committee saying they no longer had confidence in the commandant The commandant would go.
In a free society where people have freedom of thought if you cannot enforce the rule then it is no rule at all, just an illusion of a rule.
And, as much as we fall under 22 Group’s umbrella, we’re also objectively and definitively not in the RAF. Anyone who says otherwise is talking out of their hoop.