Air Cadet stabbed to death in Manchester

Started this here. Tragic event in Manchester. Nathaniel Shani stabbed to death, another 14 year old in for questioning. What is the world coming to?

Sad but sadly the times we live in.

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It’s on LBC news as well. Bless him, it’s sad and tragic.


Devastating news.


RIP Nathaniel

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Terrible news. RIP young man

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Really sad, as i minor show of respect won’t be commenti g on the other threads as in proportion they sound trivial now :disappointed:

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Awful to hear :frowning:

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Terrible news. I hope everyone gets the support they need.


Poor thing. Also, a 14 year old? That blows my mind. How messed up can teenagers be?

My sympathy goes out to this lad and his family.


14 yr old charged with murder, due in court on Thursday.

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Two sent down today for the murder of Nathaniel Shani at the Crown Court in Manchester today, one 15 and one 14.

The MEN reports states that drugs were involved in the altercation that lead to Nathaniel Shani’s death.


This is a very sad story indeed, but it does seem that he had the intention of sticking up for a friend (drugs user) by setting up a fight - as he, & his group, “had lost face.”

Of course, the tragic circumstances should never have happened. :frowning: