Air Cadet Monopoly

Take a community chest card - “Go begging to parents to start volunteering”

So the 4 railway stations would be replaced by the 4 RAF stations still worth visiting…where would HQAC go?


Any visit to them is the same anyway.

‘Do not pass go, go straight to hqac’.

“Go straight to HQAC. Do not pass go, and take no more turns until your mandatory training is up to date”

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By which time your DBS has expired, continue to wait.


But hang on, as most of the squares will be outside the Squadron footprint wouldn’t an SMS activity be needed before each move is made? Probably the longest game of Monopoly in history…

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I would be using a no -uniforms piece so that I don’t have to do a TOPL application before each move.

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^ I think that exemption only applies to D of E, does it not?
Therefore the entire game is (of course) a Bronze Expedition.

No it applies to all AT

Is this monopoly or Mornington Crescent?

I think we should now start referring to SMS apps needing approval as “in Nidd”

Monopoly wise all the shooting should me mapped to the dark greens - longest to develop most expensive and least likely to be landed on.

But highly sort after for the bullet polishers…

“fire… Rest… Pimms, adjust deck chair… Fire, that was your last round…”

Chance card - organise flying and apologise afterwards if someone says something

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As it’s silly Friday….

Free Parking becomes no Parking where if you land you have pay £200

Community Chest card saying - Mayors charity witholds donation for first time, due to a failure to take part in community summer events.

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Community Chest.

Return your £20 grant, as your squadron was unable to support a local carnival, and had to ask the Sea Cadets…


I thought it was a well established fact that for all things Parking related are now off the table! Especially if there’s money changing hands! :wink:

Instead, I vote for a blank square where fundraising used to be.


Maybe a blank square where all the activities used to be.


Orientated in the south west corner of the board?


id love this if we had one. Bug fan of monopoly have over 20 different versions of it.