These document are mentioned on every RAM. What are they and how do we get access to them?
AFB159A is basically a certificate to say declaration has been done with troops, etc, etc, completed by RCO on completion of range practise. Can’t find AFG8227, even on DII.
Both Army forms, first is Admin type, second is Stores type.
AFB159A can be found in Pam 21C 2013 (Page 3-21 to be precise). All RCOs are mandated (and have been for a while - it isnt a new thing) to complete upon completion of LFMT, and it should be retained by the unit (the Sqn SAA Storemans course requires the AFB159A to be cross referenced to Stack Cards etc).
AFG8227 is the Unit Ammunition Issue Voucher. This is a Army centric form and isn’t used by the ACO.
I have these in PDF if you want them.