Adventure Training in North Wales

I am looking to offer my assistance in all things AT in north Wales, l Live local so have a good working knowledge .

Fully up to date RAFAC CI with ML(s), RCI/SPA, UKCC L1 Coach. DofE Exped Supervisor and assessor at all levels. D1+E and FMT600 to match.

PM me if this sounds useful.

Are you looking for paid employment or looking to volunteer?

Volunteer, Would be good if I could have expenses covered tho.

I would genuinely point you in the direction of your Wing Adventure Training Officer.

Your OC will have the email/number for you to offer out your assistance in your wing.

You will be able to claim your expenses (mileage etc) through normal channels.

On a similar note, does anyone know how to put yourself on the list of available instructors for RAF/joint services expeds if you’ve got the requisite quals?

Does NACATC Fairbourn still have a list of local instructors available?? Could see about getting yourself added to that list. Theres also CCAT at Capel. And a FB group for CFAV AT instructors which you might want to look at.

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I’ll ask Clive in a minute.

Must. Not. Comment.


It appeared Baldrick has died of boredom since his last post.



Poor Clive, he’s not boring, he’s just really weary


Clive says the list is somewhere on bader. People can be added to the list, but they need to speak to Clive and see if they meet his standards.

(Exacting standards, Chris said)