Adventure Training courses funded for cfavs?

So i know very little when it comes to the adventrue training side of things with rafac . Is their opportunities for cfavs to ever do likes of a kayak or rowing instrutor course and would you be charged to do this. Also is there ever an opportunity today something like powerboat ypa level 1 and 2 and agin is this funded

Oftentimes you should be able to get support from sqn and wing funds for quals like that if you ask nicely.

There are training courses run at Wing and Region (mainly walking quals) and national level, including paddlesports. The national courses are published on the training hub on SharePoint.

You can also approach your Sqn committee for funding or ask WATTO whether you might be able to claim VA while on a course. I’ve done all of those at different times.

Don’t forget CCAT - they have a full suite of courses available at very low cost on a top up basis for RAFAC CFAVs.

RE Powerboating L1/L2 - I’ve not seen any available through us. I know the SCC run it.



Now that sounds fantastic!

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Further thought on this one - you may need a solid business case to get this funded as it would fall outside of the Core AT offer.

Regarding cost, you can always get support from your civilian committee. There are however ongoing costs which you are likely to need to fund yourself - such as national governing body memberships, CPD etc etc. unless you manage to convince your committee to pay for those.


Our civcom couldnt help with any of this i know for sure as we literally have no money for anything and our civcom is hanging on by a thread currently .

Are these though just for army cadet staff or can rafac staff apply for them courses and i assume they are recognised the same for rafac?

RAFAC (and SCC) staff can backfill on a top up basis. Apply. If there’s space, you’ll get a place.

Do you apply via the link you gave?

If give them a bell and have a chat first. 01690 720156.

Also have a chat with your WATTO. CCAT may require a reference from them.

Don’t forget that RAFAC also run most of those courses - Sign in to your account

Thread revival, my old Squadron has a member of staff doing this, just 9 of them in the RAFAC.

would it though?

Dingy sailing is listed in ACTO 010 and whenever I have done dingy sailing (never within the ATC) there has always been a “safety boat” which is a power boat to get across the lake, reservoir or estuary i have been sailing in.

to provide dingy sailing - there would need to be a “power boat” on the water too, so that would be a business case in itself…right?

And the requisite training?

I almost find that hard to believe given I can think of at least 6! But maybe that’s just because I’m into that sphere…

I was thinking the same, although maybe they aren’t counting people that got their accreditation privately?

The Organisation can be weirdly insular like that.

I may also be getting confused between skills tutor and course director. Skills tutors deliver things like the Rock Skills course or Hill Skills, whereas course directors run thins like CWI, ML, LLA etc. Often the same people, but different thing for MTA. The people I’m thinking of certainly do the latter, but possibly not the former!

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Quite possibly, as an organisation we obsess over getting people upto Course Director level (we need them to make everything run) while neglecting getting people in a position where they can develop people.

We make the same mistake with paddle sports, we have loads go down the leader route because it’s the quick way to work independently.

Either way well done to him, it’s a significant achievement. :partying_face:

Whilst operationally for Dingy sailing, most centres will deploy a powerboat, the activity itself (Dingy sailing) falls under Desirable core, rather than Essential core - which can lead to funding constraints depending on your postcode/WEXO.

If somebody rocks up with a L2 Powerboat, I’m not going to turn them away, but I think we’d struggle to justify putting on those courses from public funds as the likelihood of using and utilising them is low. The only time I can think of when it may have been useful AND “essential core” is when we did a Great Glen exped by canoe - and having a PB to hand could’ve been helpful and saved me some effort… But given we had no PB itself, or PB L2, we just settled for shadowing the group and utilising effort instead.

Every time I’ve done Dingy Sailing, it’s been a bought in AT activity (from non-public funds). And the provider provides the L2 PB safety cover as part of their risk management processes - not ours.