Hi Captain
The info you are looking for can be found in ACP 20 (Personnel Instruction 301). I’ll give you a brief overview below. And no, you don’t need to attend OASC at Cranwell.
Eligibility: Aged 20-55
Step1: Approach your OC to discuss the role, if he/she supports your application they will need to write a short narrative about you and send this to Wing HQ.
Step2: If OC Wing approves of your application they will arrange for you to appear before a Selection Board at Wing HQ. This comprises of OC Wing plus two other WSOs or the Wing WO. The interview will test both your ACO knowledge and personal motivation for the role. They usually ask why you chose SNCO over Commission. You’ll need a thorough grasp of the ATC organisational structure and where we fit in to the wider RAF. You may be asked about your home situation and how your family will feel about the extra commitment. Remember that as uniformed staff you are required to give a minimum of 12hrs service per month. Child protection is always a hot topic so re-read ACP1&4. Knowing the history and aims of the ATC is a must. Also be aware of the training opportunities available to cadets and staff.
Step3: If the board agree that you are suitable for appointment to a SNCO role they will send a recommendation to HQAC. You are usually informed of the boards decision on the day of the interview.
Step4: If successful at the SNCO board you will be appointed as a SNCO in the rank of Sergeant (ATC) for an initial period of 5 years. The first 12 months of this are considered probationary and you must attend the 1 week long (Sun-Fri) SNCO Staff Initial Course (SSIC) at the Adult Training Facility (ATF) RAF Cranwell in this time. Failure to do so will result in your SNCO appointment being terminated. Courses run most months of the year and you can book on the one most convenient for you. You will also be able to claim a weeks pay for attending the course. You will wear a white tab on your rank slide until you complete SSIC. You will not be able to attend any camps or courses as a SNCO until you complete SSIC. Before attending SSIC you will need to complete a drill test with a DI and get them to sign a form to say that you have reached a sufficient drill standard, you take this form with you to SSIC.
Many Wings are now running potential uniformed staff courses and drill development courses. Depending on local custom you may be required to complete one or more of these courses before attending a Wing Board or SSIC. Your OC will be able to advise you regarding local policy.
SSIC Content
Drill, Uniform Upkeep, Instructional Techniques, Child Protection etc. As this is a SNCO prep course there is a much greater emphasis on drill, dress and deportment when compared to the Officers Initial Course as this is supposedly the SNCO’s ‘bread and butter’. If you aren’t an ex cadet (or regular) make sure you get plenty of drill instruction from your cadet NCOs or a SNCO/WO (ATC) from another unit. They expect you to hit the ground running at SSIC and the pace is fairly intense. People have been sent home in the past for poor drill ability, you also get given ‘homework’ most nights so you don’t want to be wasting your free time brushing up on shaky drill moves.
The training team at ATF are top class. WO Mannion and FS Moss are both RAF Regiment and have a bit of banter with the course, just put the effort in and you will have a great time.
Promotion Prospects
You can apply for promotion to Flight Sergeant (ATC) after a period 4 years as a Sgt (ATC) with your OC’s recommendation. An application for Warrant Officer (ATC) may be submitted after a period of 4 years in the rank of FS (ATC). Promotion to each additional rank will require you to evidence attendance at blue/green camps and staff development courses (AT/Shooting/DI/First Aid etc).
Hope all this helps.
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