Adult SGT to CI


Just a question I’m currently a serving Adult SGT but due to a change a personal circumstances I feel I would like to become a CI, won’t say step down because CI’s are an invaluable asset to our organisation.

I have been a CI prior to becoming a SGT. Just wondering is it still possible to do this and if so has anyone ever done it. Thanks.

Yes it absolutely is possible, same with Officers reverting to CI. It’s pretty common as a step towards full retirement too. You might need to fill in a CI application to go in with your resignation as a SNCO, generally they can process both simultaneously so you are essentially discharged and reappointed on the same day.
Chat to your OC first about your intentions, and possibly speak to your Wing (or pillar staff for those regions) permanent staff about the process.

Honestly, I’d just have an honest chat about adjusted commitment and stay in uniform.


Yes I did it. It was a while ago…i talked to my sector commander, then I just contacted Wing at the time, they emailed a form i returned it and stopped wearing my uniform. If you want to go back later I believe you get 5 years, before you have to do all the RAFC Cranwell training again.