Have you seen the SharePoint document asking for assistance: “Adult Volunteer Recruitment Campaign - Help Needed!”
What does ‘high calibre’ mean exactly (adult recruitment campaign blurb), for me it sits there with ‘affordable housing’, possibly quantifiable but hugely variable, depending on location and circumstance. Personally high calibre means someone willing to get stuck in and do whatever is needed. If they’ve got something to offer on top, so much the better.
Are we going to have ‘job application’ style forms and CV sifting?
It’s nice they are doing some videos, but these need to be redone every 12 months maximum, so that they remain relevant. Our recruitment campaigns tend to be lots of hype and noise that amount to nothing, and then repeat every few years with the same result. IIRC the last few CAC have had banged about recruitment campaigns, with the same rhetoric. Sounds too much like new senior managers in the workplace.