Adult IC and Countersigning Officer can't be the same person?

To be fair . . . The idea that the Adult IC and a Countersigning Officer aren’t the same person isn’t a bad one. As @yorkie has said themselves,

and you can still push events up to Wing for approval which shouldn’t be that much of a drama if you have good working relationship with the Wing SME. But as @Ben_Wakefield has said, not actually anything in policy to mandate it.

It isn’t…for higher risk to life activities, which we already have in place. We’re talking about attending a local supermarket to pack bags, running a radio course, a first aid course. None of those things need another person to say I can do it and they shouldn’t. We need to be empowering the lowest level staff as much as we can, not forcing them to jump through hoops unnecessarily and de skilling them.