ACTO 10…local rules

A neighbouring wing has decided to bring in some local rules in relation to SMS approvals, ie a blanket ban on sqn cdrs approving certain local sqn/sector SMS events…even when ACTO 10 states they can.

Does an OC Wing have such authority? To re-rewrite corps policies?

This is happening far too often now.

No. Removal of self authorisation permissions lies with the RC, but the Wing Co is to recommend. They don’t have authority to make such blanket decisions.


Get staff effected in that wing to bring it up on VoP. I’m sure RC North will be keen to hear what is going on.

The OC Wing might not like it, but ACTO 10 makes clear it is allowed.


Also, if this OC Wing is removing such powers, I hope they are also removing the power for WSOs to self approve wing level stuff, forcing it all to region. But I highly doubt they are doing that…


Sounds like, once again, the majority of CFAVs seem to not be trusted…is this ever going to stop?


The likes of @james_elliott, his team, and many other people put in serious amounts of effort to get the policy going. OC Wings choosing to ignore it thinking they know better is frankly pretty rude. It’s policy that has been agreed and signed off at a very senior level. AFAIK it needed Air Force Board sign off?

Imagine if when it first came out an OC Wing said they disagree and chose to ignore it and carry on as before. This is no different.

It needs to be stamped out.


Indeed! A blanked lack of trust causes deep rooted frustrations to fester.

If a sqn cdr isn’t trusted by the OC Wing, surely just revoke that individuals approval capabilities until further training is undertaken? Or it’s easier to just pull the rug from underneath all the CFAVs I guess….


Depends on circumstances and experience of the OC, but initially it was briefed that acto 10 was gospel and sub ordinates of hqac could not supercede without hwac authority, however things may have changed since launch

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Spot on

This is exactly how it should be. Also new OCs would gain the perms, not have them by right.

I could feasibly see a situation where an RC might revoke a whole Wings worth or permissions, OCs and WSOs. But that I see as highly unlikely.

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Should they even be an OC? If it’s just one OC then that is the OCs who is a problem, but if it’s across a Wing then the Wg Cdr is the problem.

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Removal is down to RC as said earlier, but there has to be OC Wing and WExO input.

It should not be a blanket ban, but I do agree with individuals losing for a period if they go outside the box.

We had an OC who completed a SMS activity for one thing, but then was found to be doing some totally different, reputation damage across the board and OC could not see what was wrong!!

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@Cab FYI this kind of stuff cripples the organisation. Wings and regions should be enforcing national policy just not making their own up


That sort of thing should get that CFAV just kicked out. There is no excuse for it. Deliberately going against the most basic policy.

But lets not stop everyone from self approving just because of 1 bad egg.


Occurs on a regular basis at Region as well as Wing.

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Every Region needs a policy like this -

North Region Challenge Everything


@Ben_Wakefield i know we have spoke about this before.
The extra layers on top of a SST are what is adding to volunteer burden.