ACTI 35 rescinded

Announcment from OC2FTS

Dear All

It is with regret that I have to advise you that ACTI 35 is currently rescinded and we are in the process of reviewing its contents to align with MAA requirements. Regrettably we are no longer going to allow flights associated with air cadets from private sources. We intend to only permit flights form authorised providers. All will be clear in the revised ACTI which will pass through legal and finally COM and AOC. Therefore until the revised ACTI is issued air cadets are not permitted to undertake any flying flying in private aircraft. The only exceptions at the moment are Tayside Aviation.


Join the Air Cadets. Be grounded.

I’m tempted by the knee-jerk reaction that is to make some joke along the lines of “If we can’t fly you, no-one can” but I am sure there must be some sound reasoning behind this.

I’m therefore disappointed that more has not been done to explain the reasoning. Given the difficulties with Flying over recent years surely someone realises that closing down another route to aviation for our cadets is only going to cause more frustration?

I do wonder whether this will have any impact on the RAFGSA Gliding scholarship initiative?


That was my first thought - particularly after I did the hard sell to the troops when it was first released.

Does this mean that the Royal Air Force Gliding and Soaring Association Club gliding scholarships will now not be going ahead?

/\ /\ Dam, beat me to it…/\ /\

OC 2FTS suddenly finds out through his lawyers that he’s criminally responsible for various air activities shocker.

In other news…

Oh goody, yet another way to ruin the cadet experience. So glad we moved the glider fleet to its own FTS now “so we have more control over it”. Ridiculous and I’m angry. Thanks, our lords and masters!

Does that include flights to overseas camps?

Are the longer term/more reaching aspects of this sort of thing ever considered? OK this might only affect a few cadets, but we are supposedly looking to grow numbers wise. I would have to wonder why cadets stay in the organisation, when it’s main selling point is more and more becoming a thing of myth and legend.

Why we can’t be given the rationale, even if it is largely because someone is sphincter covering. It was the same with the bivvying ban, can’t do it and no reason given, through official channels.

We are grown ups. Outside of the ATC; we do things and live with the consequences, make decisions affecting us and those we hold most dear and we haven’t exploded.

For crying out loud why can’t those lodged in all of the Ivory Towers treat us like adults and not like children. If things are stopped and it’s because there is a fear the buck will stop with you and it’s a bit too much to live with in your retirement, ship out or accept it. It’s bad enough we have to pass on bad news, but without the rationale, it makes us look unprofessional.

I do despair sometimes.

The MAA is a long-needed organisation, based on the shortcomings of the Nimrod & C130 debacles.

However, for established flying schools? Perleeeeease! If I understand the information given by one flying provider, the details required to get approval include names + personal details of all pilots, with associated medical dates, & then all the engineering parameters for each registered aircraft, such as annual inspection, etc. Methinks that the CAA already does this…

Where’s this come from BTW?

Where has this been published?

Appeared on our Wing Sharepoint site; but interestingly, no where else :?

I believe it was in response to a request to fly IAW with the ACTI. (ACTO?)

I guess if no-one else is asking they will not have come up against the issue. Alternatively if others are gaining permission to fly against the ACTI the it would be interesting to hear about it.


It’s still in Sharepoint. If it’s been rescinded, it should be removed.

V tempted to apply for permission and see what happens.