ACPS Selected

Do Tayside get paid for the actual hours flown, or are they contracted, and paid for the full 12 hours per cadet?

I am surprised at people’s shock that Cadet pilots are going solo in less than 10 hours.

VGS Gliding Scholarships are “budgeted” for 8 hours per student as I understand it and in such time expected to get through all of these lessons and go solo all within that.

I actually got a little over 8 hours for my GS as my lessons were so often weathered off and on the day of my solo the wind was in a new direction for the first time so was a different circuit to learn

for my PPL I went solo after 11 hours and was told that was quick and “a reflection on my previous flying”

15 year? I did ACPS in 2001. Yikes

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MIssed this thread the first time round, but definitely yes, hours not used by cadets who solo ‘early’ are put back into the pot to enable more cadets to attend. They aren’t wasted.

12hrs isn’t an unreasonable target for young people studying full time. Different if you are old (IIRC it took me 15 hours in 2001 at the age of 30) or have gaps between lessons (weekends only, etc.)