ACPS Cancelled: another kick in the teeth

I wonder if they just sign the cadet up as a UAS officer cadet for the duration of the course then. Fixed term of service.

Staff sergeant?

I assume they mean an adult Sgt?

I assumed staff cadet sergeant.

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About as clear-cut as our IBNs.

Staff cadet sergeant you are correct, should have specified sorry

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Not to worry - for a moment there I thought the ACF had stolen a march on us & were now providing flying scholarships.

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Whilst the news of a “replacement” ACPS is generally positive, it’s yet another example of a public / media announcement with no IBN or apparent internal comms chain (Weekly Brief, emails).

No numbers, locations, accommodation considerations, etc.

ON the RAFAC Fb post, I’ve politely told Donna Hall to wind her neck in - & will be more direct if needed… :smiling_imp:


Being asked to use the CoC to ask questions about something that has only been announced via social media is a joke.

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Oooooh, just a “please wind your neck in” email from Donna Hall.

Er, no.


Madness. There will be many many staff members, likely including some WAvOs who are not on SM and therefore won’t even know about this yet. If you emailed them questions about this new ACPS it’d get a bit messy.


Or have day jobs they need to get on with…


I replied as such:

It’s potentially good news, but as with many examples, an announcement was made in public on social media with no prior / simultaneous internal RAFAC communication.

This inevitably raises questions from parents / guardians / cadets / CFAVs about some of the details. Currently, CFAVs can’t answer them = embarrassing & portrays the organisation in a poor light. This is a significant (repetitive) shortcoming.

If necessary, I will continue to politely ask questions on social media about background circumstances, etc.


Anyway, go & pile in on the Fb discussion. :upside_down_face:

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Don’t do that. We need to be better than social media pile ons, regardless of whether the message is wrong. Be respectful and polite but counter the argument being made.

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I’m always polite!

With the on-going saga of ACPS, it should not be a surprise that there will be intense interest in the new scheme.

As one of the “jewel in the crown” awards with RAFAC (I would say that IACE & selection for the Athelings shooting team, etc, are a couple of others) I would consider it is even more important that an appropriate / proper comms route MUST be coordinated followed implicitly - not a social media announcement as the primary method (again). If the Media Team are over-loaded, then they should prioritise the news & tell the highly paid help that the comms route should be followed at all times.


They’ve had plenty of time to sort out implementation and a comms plan. This AEF delivering flying scholarships was the plan in February.

So, it’s been confirmed that those who choose the CFAV path once they reach 18 will no longer be eligible to apply for ACPS. I don’t like that personally. I think we may well end up with cadets sticking around as cadets in the hope they can do the ACPS, when they would also be very keen to move over to CFAV.

Why not also allow junior CFAVs to apply with a stipulation that they must have previously been a cadet?

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One of the reasons that ACPS were conducting in Scotland was take advantage of the legislation around 16 year olds being treated like adult rather than have them at 18.

They either find away round the safeguarding supervision side or sadly it’s likely will no longer continue.

They did, by making ACPS 18+ only.