ACPS Cancelled: another kick in the teeth

Ok, as long as we aren’t talking emails to all.

No, the weekly brief is for that - “brief” updates on topics.

Amplifying details on important topics (especially ACPS) should add more information.

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I’d say the brief should have the headline with brief details and links for those who want further information. No additional bulk email over and above the weekly brief or a significant announcement (like those around the death of Her Late Majesty) in between the weekly brief cycles.

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The Weekly Brief is useful in some contexts.

However, for policy statements, ability to easily search for a topic (months or even yrs later) or to engage with the local “SME”‘originating / forwarding an email, the Weekly Brief does not work.

RAFAC comms protocols are still very hotchpotch, not helped by regional / wg variations.

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Restart the civvy ACPS, or the Air Cadet Pilot Navigation Training Scheme and the Air Cadet AEF Course, both of which the RAF provided?

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I mentioned previously about shortage of military QFIs.

Id put money on the RAF not letting Solos happen. Maybe ghosted ones


They might even consider that they aren’t “zero risk” and can them.

The only real advantage of using AEFs for ACPS is that it would spread the geographical workload.

I suspect that there would still be accommodation issues, & of course, notwithstanding the shortage of QFIs, the entire contract would have to have the extra flying (& maintenance, & personnel, etc) written in.

Currently, there is also the number of flights per day (one) that cadets can operate on the Tutor; they would need individual ear pieces made for them to wear under their bone domes.

My previous suggestion will be going back into the melting pot - allocate an ACPS bursary, to be overseen by the Air League (who already use approved flt schools for their bursaries). If TK is leaving, maybe the extreme over the top “duty of care” focus can be relaxed.


Could it even legally happen at an AEF? QFIs aren’t civvy flight instructors, so how could they authorise a civvy to fly solo?

Valid point

Have the yellow foam earplugs been considered unsuitable?

AEF staff advised me that repetitive flying (i.e. more than sortie a day) requires “made to fit” personal ear plugs - I think that they have wired integral ear pieces (direct sound).

Cadets aren’t allowed to fly the Tutor solo.

Cadets on ACPNTS and other courses are fitted for a Mk4 helmet and wear IECD (in ear comms earplugs) from the UAS pool (you have your own ear tip foams)

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A family member was an air cadet in around the 1970’s and I have just found this in his memoirs:

"…Looking through some boxes of old aviation books which I had recently taken down from the loft, I came across a bundle of all my previous pilots licences and log books. There were half a dozen licences of different colours and sizes, but what I found fascinating was looking at the issuing authority which painted a picture of how the administration of aviation has changed over the last fifty years. [This memoir may be quite old].

The first qualification was for gliding and included an ‘A’ and ‘B’ certificate from the British Gliding Association. This proved that you had carried out a solo circuit in each direction. The first slightly nervous solo flight comes as a bit of a surprise: without the weight of the instructor on board the glider feels completely different. I was sixteen years old then.

Once I was seventeen, I obtained the Private Pilot’s Licence (Flying Machine), as it was labelled. Seventeen was and still is the minimum age. The licence was issued on 4th September 1977 by the Civil Aviation Authority but the brown binder was still headed Ministry of Aviation. Inside the cover was a note saying that where Ministry of Aviation was mentioned, it should be read as if it said Board of Trade. So many changes."

Just thought it was an interesting memory to share.


New developments have beem made it seems, received an email this morning from a wing commander asking if im available for a 3 week course in September with a UAS/AEF unit. Unsure if this includes a solo yet but has anyone else selected recieved a similar email?

  • misread the email, it does state up to solo

AOC 22 Gp has made an ACPS announcement this morning at RIAT:

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