ACPS Cancelled: another kick in the teeth

Isn’t this what ChatGPT is for?


Sounds like a ChatGPT job to me


is there an echo in here?


Still fighting the fight, had a “sympathetic” reply from OC 2FTS saying that there is nothing that they can do - still the mantra of “we must check all civilian organisations” so bursaries or any other direct involvement = no go.

My friendly Baroness had come up with a good suggestion - COMSEC silent whilst I give that a go! :wink:

Well, shots fired in return - my main suggestion is that a higher up DDH could look at this - there is very little “reputational” risk to RAFAC, only a relatively small number of cadets who will age out (40-50??) & it would be a “one off” recovery situation. If using CAA-ATOs, that would be ALARP risk = sign it off, get the cadets an ACPS equivalent…

The name I have put forward is DCAS, Rich Maddison. :wink:


Based on the FOI, only 8 of those awarded for 22/23 age out before Jan 24

But the CCF awardees will all miss out but won’t be counted in the aging out as they’ll be under 20. And how many ATC will have left as a result of yet another example of being disrespected?


Well, I haven’t had a reply to by last email to OC2FTS (27 Jul) - I mentioned that I thought a higher level DDH should be involved.

Whilst AOC 22 Gp is ODH for 2FTS, I think that this needs more weight, so I suggested to OC2FTS that he should bring in DCAS, AM Rich Maddison, & that I would contact his offices separately.

I have done so.

Interestingly, looks like I will be having a “chat” with someone from our sector about “challenging” 2FTS. :wink: I know the person very well (ex-sqn OC), so don’t expect any problems. Someone, somewhere (& I’ll ask who) has obviously rattled Region or Wg’s cage about an annoying thorn in their side. :smiling_imp:


And what form of punishment can they inflict on a volunteer? Dawn made sure that there is no punishment except dismissal by the removal of the VR(T) commission.


Easy, just show them the letter from CRAFAC that directed us to challenge processes that we thought were problematic.


Now you know they never expected it to be implemented.

What VR(T) commission…? :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

I will be asking who has directed that I’m spoken with.

Oh, at least one cadet (due to lose out on ACPS die to ageing out) has written to their MP too.


If they don’t tell you, put in a Subject Access Request.

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Too true, but I hope it doesn’t come to that, . They might not know it, but I might mention it during our chat, that i had a partially successful FoI complaint via the ICO, against the Home Office Firearms Dept. they were a little frugal with the truth…

Oh, just filed an FoI asking for the number of DASOR’s for the Tutor over the last few years, especially relating to:

  1. Propellers detaching in flight

  2. Engine failures

  3. Trim tab cracks

  4. Main wing spar cracks

  5. Engine oil seal failures

MAA safety better than CAA ATOs / BGA? My @rse!! :wink:


Have you just had a difficult day and are taking out the stress, or is this a planned step-up to a war footing?

Sometimes you have to go nuclear. A very good friend and former colleague whose son was having problems in his Squadron which included ACPS was being stonewalled by the OC, Sector officer and the Wing OC, and they thought that they could ignore him. Unfortunately for them, he had family members within certain parts of government and he himself had very high clearances from previous work.

He said that a hard rain fell downwards, with the case being passed to regular non-RAFAC officers to investigate the situation ending up with with staff being moved and shuffled around and some leaving. The problem was resolved.

Ha ha - as I mentioned, I said in my previous email to 2FTS that I would contact DCAS - I did - not good for credibility if I hadn’t. OC2FTS had a business week to reply, he didn’t. Very rude.

The FoI has been sitting there, waiting to go - I strongly suspect that there have been far more serious safety reports / groundings across the Tutor than compared to the same number of aircraft across UK-ATO fleets. Just a way to try & get some figures to knock the mantra of MAA right out of the ground.

Then I restart on ACTO35 - mentioned that to DCAS too.

CEO of Air League is also in the loop to see if a solution can be brokered.

War footing? I see this as mild skirmishing - haven’t got out of first gear yet… Wait until I let loose the dogs of war. :smiling_imp:


Imagine if someone were to submit 2 completely separate and entirely unrelated FoIs asking;

  1. The number of minutes of powered flight provided to RAFAC cadets over the past 12 months.

  2. The number of RAFAC cadets.

It would also be quite something if someone were to divide the answer for 1 by the answer for 2. Especially if someone then decided to ask the Sea Cadets the same questions, but about Sea Cadet cadets, and compare the 2 results.


Cry Havock and let slip the dogs of war…

(Of course - always better in the original Klingon)…:metal: