
I am wondering when the general deadlines for ACLC are in London Wing, I asked my staff about it but no news seem to be on bader yet. Could someone give me some dates based on last year etc?

Advice is always welcome too :slight_smile:

It will depend on when WHQ recieves the details from HQAC. Generally its February time (last year the warning order for Crawnell was about a month after Frimley) - but WHQ will publish them on Maildrop and your staff will then be able to tell you.

Information came out yesterday via an after order in CROs (ACO Controlled Documents/CROs)

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Middlesex need to get applications to Wing by 15th Feb so that they can meet the Region deadline. I assume London will be running to a similar schedule.

Thanks all, im in the process for applying to nesscliff Clc and the aclc details are now out. I appreciate the info :cheer:

All units are to get forms to WgHQ by 15 feb, then Wgs are to forward them to region so that they can reach HQAC by 15 mar.