ACF Forum

Is there an ACF equivalent of ACC?

Not that I know if, but then I haven’t looked :wink:

If there’s a demand I can start one.

Very surprised they don’t have a form of discussion…

We mostly just use facebook groups these days. We have two main national ones. One for sensible stuff and one for…well it is best not mentioned really!

I would expect it to have a limited character set to that only upper-case letters can be used.

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I also suspect they care much less about losing three little letters of their badges…

I would too, as they are not loosing any little letters…

Save it for the other thread please.

Why are we even taking about army cadets on a Air Cadet Foum if they want one let them make. One

5 posts were split to a new topic: ACF Problems

This has gone way off topic. Lock please?

Why not change from air cadet central to all cadet central?

I’ve not locked it but split the thread.

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Really don’t see turning this into All Cadet Central being a good idea, though a sister board, separately administered and moderated, with a bit of crossover might go down better