ACC "Reported as Malware Site"

I have been accessing the site via my Android phone on which I run Avast antivirus. Over the last two days, the antivirus has been alerting me to “Malware Detected!”, stating that “” has been reported as a malware site.

Scans do not reveal any problem. Avira antivirus free does not detect, or warn of, problems.

Does anyone know anything about this, or is this just a vagary of the Avast / AVG free antivirus software?

Looks okay on the Virus total database:

I’d guess some weird detection issue on Avast.

I’m having problems on Windows 7/Chrome/Avast.

Seems specific to the forums subdomain.

(Posting from iOS Chrome, which seems fine)

OK - will just switch to another antivirus.

Thanks for letting me know, the reason maybe that the forum is on a different IP address from the main site. This forum install runs in it’s own VPS which may confuse some antivirus.

I run regular scans to make sure nothing untoward is happening, but I’ll check again to be on the safe side.


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Having scanned the forum with a few online tools, it appears that links to:

whatdotheyknow dot com

Are causing a positive result for malware as that domain is blacklisted!

Not much I can do about that, except perhaps removing all links to that website! A bit drastic.
