Here’s the spec for a KMZ file - basically a KML file and some resources in a ZIP.

So the script could unzip the KMZ then parse the KML into some kind of data structure and generate the stats from that. I might have a stab at it using PHP.


The KML file has all the placemark data for squadrons etc. but coordinates are only included for HQAC/RHQ/WHQ etc… Not sure why.

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I notice 185 Batley Squadron is missing from the map. Perhaps one of the editors could seek to add it. It’s not a tricky one from memory.

185 (Batley)
Intake Lane, Batley, West Yorks, WF17 0BT

^ This information is correct. Not sure why they include “Brookroyd Lane” when it’s not on it… could be a useful one for that person looking to find the closest squadrons!

You could add the Gliding Squadrons as well …might be of use?

2482 (Detached Flt) at Cambourne is now 105 Sqn.

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1228 (Mablethorpe) DF didn’t survive Covid.

One for the memoriam thread? The seemed to have been running for a number of years before hand - not sure how long you can stay as a detached flight.

I appreciate it was the town crest but their Sqn badge is cracking

RHQ North and WHQ CE Yorks now at Leeming!

It was mentioned by myself on that thread quite some time ago now, but this is specifically for the map.

They had been a DF for at least 25 years, as I recall them being such when I was a cadet myself.