having been a little over a week since i started this poll, and the way it has fallen off the top of the “recent topics” page i thought i would offer some evaluation of the numbers
70% of respondents wear a uniform (VRT/SNCOs)
57% of respondents are in the 20 - <35 age bracket
49% of respondents are VRTs
21% are SNCOs
19% are CIs
21% are 35 - <50
and only 11% are 50+
(Percentages quote to nearest whole number, and do not take into account the “other” option given there is no breakdown of uniform or age)
i am not surprised that the majority are under 35 when including Cadet votes, and even when looking solely at Staff votes it is still the larger age group
Although interesting to read that the majority of participants are “young” 20-35 yrs (/junior?) officers. I
the numbers as a whole are interesting if only because they do not match what can be seen in the ATC. Certainly in my experience and particularly in our wing there is a shortage of Officers so surprised to find 49% of respondents are VRTs, I certainly don’t know any Squadron that has every other Staff member as an Officer
I have no numbers to directly quote but I am sure I recall seeing CIs make up closer to 40-45% of the ACO Staff team than the 19% which is represented through these votes.
With the adoption of the Sgt (ATC) and FS (ATC) ranks, in our Wing at least, the numbers of SNCOs has vastly increased and would expect more than 1 in every 5 votes to have come from the SNCOs
With all this in mind I suspect the tone of the boards, and topics being discussed, it can be said comes from an Officers point of view, and potentially a CO’s point of view which is arguably a good and bad thing.
Of course being a member and being an active poster are two very different aspects! (see http://aircadetcentral.net/acc/forum/statistics for the top ten posters…which opens up further interesting comparison could be made between those posting and those received “thank yous”)
Disclaimer: of course there is no firm precision based on these figures, votes are anonymous and cannot be checked for accuracy. With such a small sample it is difficult to make any real comparisons with the ACO, although as the “first port of call” on the internet* for many it is interesting to see the breakdown of members.
*ignoring the “you know when you have been an Air Cadet too long when….” route via Facebook