
Don’t suppose anybody can shed any light on when the 5x5 drill will be reintroduced at ATF?

Also, any useful tips for a crash course in learning how to do it? I am struggling at the moment & want to get ATF done and dusted as soon as possible, beating in mind injury has prevented me going before now.

Thank you in advance.

I never knew that 5x5 was available. I’ve only done 8x8, 12x12 and 18x24…

My irony detector appears to be faulty, GOM: I can’t tell if this is being said with good intent or not?

I think that canvassing the opinion of others would be the best drill to adopt here. Apse that’ll be right, eh? :wink:

Sorry asdevil768, it’s been a hard year, I should stop mucking about…I’m surprised to hear any suggestion that at least some use of the Condensed Foot-Drill Practice Square approach would be ever suspended from the initial staff courses at ATF.

I’m certainly ready to be corrected by any drill experts here (incubus, you’re sure to have a good perspective on this?) but, I can’t see any way in which there’s any instant fix for you other than practice makes closer to perfect. Seek a good trustworthy instructor (perhaps outwith your squadron, I detect?), not ignoring the potential of a capable senior Cadet.

Be very sure that you’re prepared for ATF before going, and only you, your fellow instuctors (and unfortunately, your medics) will know when this is. Trying to cram for any part of it is unlikely to be successful, so try to be realistic about your timescales and your abilities.


ps whilst only ever being an aid to proper training from real instructors, isn’t there any YouTube demo video of this?

I’ve done a couple of 12x24’s in my time…

[quote=“asdevil768” post=22764]Don’t suppose anybody can shed any light on when the 5x5 drill will be reintroduced at ATF?

Also, any useful tips for a crash course in learning how to do it? I am struggling at the moment & want to get ATF done and dusted as soon as possible, beating in mind injury has prevented me going before now.

Thank you in advance.[/quote]

I did my SSIC in Aug14, you don’t need to learn it as such - you just need to learn the movements and their timings. Get used to calling out the timings as you are doing the movement.

As for the routine - you get given it on paper to read from, and you’re in a 3 doing it; 1. to do the movements 2. to read the commands 3. to keep no2’s place as it’s quite easy to get lost if you’re glancing up and down from the sheet all the time.

For calling out the commands, we were made to call out the full command every time, i.e no “about turns” or “quick march” it was always “detail - quick march” “detail - turning about - about - turn” so it’s a challenge to time it right so that you have enough time to say it all and finish in time before the marcher gets to the corner. Trick is to basically start as soon as you finish the last.

It’s all about how well you can control your squad on the square.

Good Luck.