Going through some paperwork and I’m now presented with a “4c” form. Health and safety. All looks official but no form number nothing on sharepoint. Is this another way of burdening us with even more paperwork. Has anyone else seen one. Tempted to chuck it.
Sounds more like an annex number than a form number.
What’s the paper work it’s referenced in?
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Safety, health, environment and fire?
Also known as SHEF - an Army doc maybe?
ETA Army usually have a ‘head of 4c’ and I’ve seen 4c notices at shared cadet sites. Never had to fill one in mind
I wonder if it might be ACP 5, Ch 4, Annex C? I don’t know if that exists?
https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/media/5f9815e5e90e077afd4ebabd/20201013_JSP375_Vol1_Chapter_34_V1.pdf. Hopefully this link works for you.
It’s a process for Managing Contractors and Visitors to your location. Probably very similar to getting people to book into the Sqn and giving them a SHEF brief when they arrive.
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Brilliant, tht’s where its all come from many thanks.