2024 Resolutions (Cadets-Related)

We’re now a little over 2 weeks away from the new year, and at a point when may people start considering what they want their new year to look like. So what changes are you hoping to make to your cadetship/volunteering over 2024?

I’m hoping to rebalance some of my attendance, to take more time away during the week so I feel properly refreshed at work, but also to be able to commit more to supporting weekend activities such as escorting duties, road marching (for next year’s season) and community engagement activities.

There are also plans afoot for me to gain further sports/physical training qualifications (I already hold Leadership in Running Fitness), so that we can deliver more of this sort of training on unit. My squadron used to have quite a large number of cadets go on to join all 3 regular forces, but in recent years the cadets that have tried have really struggled to pass the fitness tests. I hope to be able to give them the tools they need to turn this trend around.


Ok, so mine is a challenge I started last month but will go into 2024.

I’m going to coach and enter (some) teams for CISSAM.

Other than that it is to be a thoroughly annoying and grumpy SNCO, but for some reason the cadets love it - must work harder.

Have a good one everyone


2024 is trying to get my RMQs sorted out, I hold more or less every other Qual I need to deliver what I want to. My second resolution is to mentor staff to getting quals too, so I don’t become the single point of failure.


Taking time to recharge and decide where I want to focus my volunteering on return. Key thing is to make sure I get more enjoyment out of it than stress.


Try not to be as fat,

Going to america 6th Jan…

6th Jan resolution broke


In 2020 I was planning to get on some weapons courses (SASR(07) and SAAI).

This year is the year to revisit those ambitions now everything has settled back into a decent routine.


Im keeping it simple, try and maintain enthusiasm to actually deliver stuff


Ive put my name down for a K-Qual course and hopefully I’ll find time to do a RCO (or at least DCCT Operator)

And hopefully take some kids out to Nijmegen


Prior Planning…etc…

Sort out my long distance planner, making sure that paperwork are in on time (without a rush), and get JIs out earlier.

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Healthy habbits now with the 6 month CACE process


Deliver as much high quality stuff locally,

so as to avoid having to deal with the Fun Police and the Bubble Wrap Enforcers PDT_Xtremez_24


Quit cadet RM for the year, and come back in 2025 as the most medalled cadet in the corps

oh and develop myself and the sqn i guess