1419 (Compton) Sqn

Does anyone know where 1419 (Compton) Sqn were based? I am assuming, as they dont appear in the current Sqn directory they have been disbanded. Google brings nothing up, and google maps only lists a couple of small villages in the home counties.

I have come across some Sqn history in a local antiques shop today and it would be nice to know where they were. (they certainly have never been in Durham & Northumberland, Central & East, South Yorkshire, or the old East Midlands Wings in my service.

Anything on the squadron history that might have given a clue?

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Nothing at all I am afraid it’s very brief and the date I have is Sept 1942 then nothing else.

If you happen to be passing the RAF Club, they have a book in their library written I think for the 25th?? Anniversary which if memory serves me right has a full list of squadrons then in operation and I think includes locations.

A lot of Sqns during & just after the war were merged so if you can find the town you can probably identify it.

I stumbled across something in our Sqn stores from 907 Clown Sqn (yes really, it did exist, no it wasn’t a WHQ) .

Finally located it’s detail that it was set up for the boys of “Clown Mining & Technical Institute” then after the scjool closed continued for a short while as a village Sqn before merging with a larger town squadron in circa 1955.

This information was on an old website on the fifth search page of google.

Whilst it’s a pity so many squadrons have been lost to time it’s good when you stumble across one from yesteryear.

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So i’ve created a thread for people to post details of old defunct Sqns just so the is a record, however small that the Sqn existed & in case memorabilia turns up.

Weird my Mum was from Clowne. A Derbyshire village and if I remember had a d/f of 303(Worksop) Sqn in the late 1970s

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Sorry now I have polished up the plate on the front it says Crompton. Which I believe is on the outskirts of Oldham, so either GM wing or Cumbria North Lancs as they are now.