12x12 modern replacement?

Looking to replace our rather moth eaten 12x12s.

Looking for a military look and lighter weight, but wondered what other squadrons have done to replace them with newer modern systems?

Hope that helps :wink:


Not enough stars for us in the RAFAC

Travelodge is quite a drop down for you Perry… times changing? :rofl:

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Cutbacks affect us all these days :disappointed_relieved:


I think you’ll struggle to get a modern replacement for a 12x12. They’re still in use for a reason.

I would be interested to see what others come up with though.

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There is some very nice kit out there as modern variants, but it ain’t cheap!

We simply bought… a new 12x12.




Anchor Supplies.

It was listed as Grade 1 but most of it was brand new. Much of it still in the packaging.

We got the Mk2, catering version, for (I think) the same price as the regular Mk2 (which allows me to put the chimney from a log burner through the hole in the roof when it’s being used for staff accommodation.


Our 12x12 was mainly used when recruiting at events. However as it was moth eaten, smelly and generally looked hideous, I replaced it with a 4x6 gazebo that looked a lot tidier and more up to date.

For camping we bought some new tents from Access Expeditions (they take cheques). 12x12 was donated to the Fieldcraft Team for the Wing and we haven’t looked back since.