Linking BADER Email to Outlook

No, Outlook web app on PC in Chrome. We’re dissuaded by our IT department from using Outlook 2013 though it is installed, due to its habit of caching the entire PST file locally.

However they did say if you mainly use one computer you can use it, so I’ll give it a go on my CCF machine. Stand by,…

You can set Outlook not to cache the profile, by having it in ‘Online Only’ mode which gives you the full functionality of Outlook, rather than the limitations of OWA.

Thanks, that’s worth trying.

I’ve not had time to try it on my CCF machine yet but I will.

I’m having no end of trouble since I had to replace my laptop. Using Outlook 2016.

The one thing I think I have wrong is the server. I have tried a few, but no joy. Any ideas?

Having just removed my account, to get all the details for you, I can not not reconnect due to an issue with the Exchange Server not being online/available.

Probably worth raising with the helpdesk team

Server is

Didn’t like that either. Man this is weird.

Wait, I just tried the automatic settings finding function again, and it worked?

How did you manage to get it to work?

New laptop with office 365 and cant seem to get the emails linked to outlook :confused:

I spoke to the BADER helpdesk about this this week; once I’d explained that what I see (Office 365) isn’t the same as them ( they said they’d go away and investigate.

Would be nice if they could get this bit sorted - no more having to manually log on to Sharepoint and download the file that you need; just open the latest version automatically synced to your computer.

This needs SharePoint 2013 or higher, we are currently running on 2010 however an upgrade to 2013 is imminent so this will be available, unless it gets locked down by the Bader Team.

Quite why we are going to 2013 when 2016 has already been released is beyond me …

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The exorbitant cost I imagine. Our agent company deployed it to a few of their contracts and the cost is eye watering.

And let’s not forget that the military has only just upgraded to Windows 7 (from XP!)

Every SharePoint upgrade is a version or so behind the curve, while it is possible to skip versions and complete an in place upgrade, which could then remain so for the next 8-10 years… thus spreading the expenditure over a longer period.

Let’s not forget that CCF TEST staff are all being issued Surface Pro’s at a combined cost of circa £50k, being a government organisation entitles us to reduced licensing costs for the Microsoft Software.

UK Government paid a considerable sum to Microsoft for continued XP security Support beyond the official End of Life due to lack of forward planning an maintaining up to date systems.

Surely not!