VR(T) Offrs - exemption from call-out & training liabilities

Looking at the state of some VR(T) Officers, perhaps the call-out - IF it ever did happen - would just require the VR(T) to be based on stations only, rather than being sent out to the warzone??

Rumours were - at one point - that if VR(T) were to be called upon they would be doing stuff like making the tea in the AFCOs unless they had a directly transferrable skill. During Op Granby (liberation of Kuwait for those who can’t be bothered to look it up) a VR(T) - and lurker here - contacted PMC who confirmed that at the time they were examining options for VR(T) with transferrable skills and quals.


[quote:1vgdfd0g][b:1vgdfd0g]Merlins Nest wrote:[/b:1vgdfd0g]

Has anyone ever heard of a VR(T) member with those transferable skills [u:1oj3enzj]volunteering[/u:1oj3enzj] for active service?

[quote="Gunner":1d3tddbk]Has anyone ever heard of a VR(T) member with those transferable skills [u:1d3tddbk]volunteering[/u:1d3tddbk] for active service?

duplicated post

duplicated post

[quote:ylqtp426][b:ylqtp426]Gunner wrote:[/b:ylqtp426]

We tried to cover a history of the RAFVR(T) in the [url=http://docs.google.com/fileview?id=0BzylhVLEWseNY2FlZjg0Y2YtZDJmZS00NjVjLWFmNTAtY2U4YjYzNWM1Njhk&hl=en:3qdt940s]Commissioning Guide[/url:3qdt940s], mainly in Chapter 2, for the exact reasons you outlined above. I doubt we did it as much justice as you could have done, but it was a pretty good stab at it.

[quote=“fooligan”:1pbzs2qu]Who would they volunteer to? I would imagine that if there was ever a “need” to have those skills transferred, they would be sought out either individually or as a request to all branches in the exempted reserve air forces for those individuals to come forward. I’m sure there are many who would jump at the opportunity to do so though, plus some who may choose to do so for the wrong reasons…

Apologies… I was using that statement to explain my answer to your question without finishing my train of thought.

I’m pushed for time for cut and paste but in summary…

[quote=“rockape815”:232t89o5][quote=“splashdown”:232t89o5]Walt alert :OMG:

Snoopy, firstly, welcome to the forum. Good to have you on board!

Thanks for the welcome.

I think I’ve now finally identified all the relevant aspects of the Reserve Forces Act 1996 (RFA96) relating to RAFVR(T) Offrs Terms & Conditions of Service (TCOS)…

[quote="Snoopy":2kvzo66a]I do remember the RAuxAF Regiment Defence Force[/quote:2kvzo66a]

[quote:1x9bae3q]Snoopy Said:
