I’m perfectly happy with that…signing the care of my inventory over to my WExO sits just fine
CCFs have already lost control of their inventory to the Cadet Training Team.
Plt Off Prune’s version of events matches what I’ve heard, although my source is confident the legal matters of forcing people to transfer to the new commission on extension have been sorted.
SCC won’t care as they don’t commission their officers anyway.
My suspicion is this is a storm in a tea cup. Assuming (and the SCC example suggests we can assume) the uniform is essentially the same (?ATC or CCF badge instead of VRT pins?) then I doubt there will be issues.
I’ve heard each force are angling for no pins, but the general concencus of rejected will be CFC. No, not nasty gases which harm the ozone. One could say most officers spout harmful vapours already.
Hopefully they will reserve pins for formal dress and use embroidered rank slides as the norm.
They’re no good at acronyms, are they? The Army invented CFIT which any fule kno stands for ‘Controlled Flight Into Terrain.’
I’m in two minds about this; on the one hand, it seems like it won’t make much difference - but then if it won’t make much difference , then what’s the point?
It will make a big difference with regards to casework as described above, while having almost no impact at the coalface.
Which is fair enough, although I am always at least a little suspicious of any attempt to reform complaints systems.
Wouldn’t it be amusing if, when the Palace mentioned that it was a bit bored of the constant stream of whingograms it was getting from VR(T) and told HQAC that it wanted them to go away, what it meant was that it wanted HQAC to sort out its woeful management systems rather than change the commission?
I doubt that anyone we’ll miss will leave because of the change, but I was surprised to hear that someone I would not have thought would care about it has, if not got the hump, then taken the view that it’s just another thing designed to make her life harder, less rewarding, less recognised and more skewed towards the needs of HQAC and the MOD and less towards her and her cadets. She’s now less likely to take an OC’s job than before, and more likely to put the ACO a bit further down her list of priorities in life.
Again, its not the change itself, its the attitude behind it.
Is the first faltering step towards ‘purplisation’ of the cadet forces that was banded around when the Dire (sic Dyer) report was issued and HQAC in a fit of pique at losing control of things didn’t want anything to do with.
Oh what a conversation to overhear!!
How many problems in the Corps and resulting in complaints are due to over zealous (mainly) WSOs acting like God and playing favourites and cliques. How many don’t complain as they have no faith in the system, just lose interest and leave?
The fact complaints are mentioned as a rationale for a change, would suggest they are poor at dealing with them and if as said here things were dealt with expediently then that would be the end of that. If there are a lot of complaints a figure like increase of 250% is meaningless without a baseline. If the baseline was 5, then it’s just 12.5 now, hardly a problem. If you have a complaint deal with it quickly and if more than one complaint from or about one area/person then dealing with the complaints won’t stop things, you need to deal with the root cause. Anyone who has come across a problem at home such as rot. damp, dodgy plaster etc, it’s not much use dealing with the little bit sometimes you have to dig the whole lot out and take the cost to avoid problems happening again.
[quote=“Plt_Off_Prune, post:8, topic:2647, full:true”]
a) caution for possession of controlled substance
b) causes injury to cadet through command negligence
c) uses their squadron to bankroll his company by supplying products at above market rate [/quote]
If you were pinged for something like these you’d know in advance and have no room for complaint.
a case of prevention is better than a cure.
rather than remove the platform for complaints, don’t give a CFAV reason to complain in the first place!!!*
*particularly if it is not there is a robust complaints system they can use at their advantage!
It would appear that HQAC’s lack of engagement has resulted in them losing control of the situation and rather than being a driver are just a passenger. I can’t see the removal of the RAF from ATC Officers as being something they wanted, but it is happening. I seem to recall much of HQAC’s resistance to Dyer was around losing Regions which is where our hanger’s on reside. I’ve been of the opinion we could lose Regions for years and it would not have any detrimental effect on the running of the Corps.
When a ‘purple organisation’ was mooted I was broadly in favour if it meant we could share everything/one and get cadets doing things like shooting (via ACF) and sailing (via SCC) which are difficult to get into. I suppose the question now would be what would we bring to the party, we had flying and gliding, but now we struggle to fly our own cadets so could it be offered across all cadet forces.
It’s not a case of HQAC not being the driver, the army cadets with their 3,000 full time HQ staffs were signalled as the lead as with most (weapons) and in true army style don’t like playing ball.
Anyway it’s a moot point. With the CEP announcing more units and RFCAs running out of cash it’s clear to see we will all be CCF in 10 years time. Would save a fortune in estates. No recruitment issues (part of school contracts). Purpelisation.
I still think HQAC’s reluctance to get involved when it was published has resulted in the ACF being able to direct things, regardless of how many people they have. If our Cmdt and associated cronies at the time had fully engaged from day one and not as I recall chucking their teddies out, to protect their positions, we might not be where we are now.
What is the impact for SNCOs? Surely, you can’t have a single process for Officers without similar for SNCOs. It would be better to have this happen at the same time.
CCF only and no community units would see a very much reduced and less diverse cadet force footprint.
Your evidence for the lack of engagement and teddy throwing is…?
At the time I recall HQAC didn’t want to get into discussions about it as they weren’t happy with it and or the proposals. Which leads one to the conclusion they didn’t like it.
There were a number of scenarios for how the higher tier command could be set up and it meant a reduction or total loss of Region HQs. I don’t see how we can continue to provide a bolt hole for retired officers unless they are fully productive and active (and accountable to all members of the Corps including parents) in ensuring the cadets get the best possible experience and that the volunteers expected to facilitate that are fully supported on all fronts.
Giving retired officers staff jobs in cadets isn’t unique to the ATC. The Army do it, too, it’s just that they are spread around Army HQs so much less visible and a harder target than the RCs.
i was under the impression (maybe post DYER) the move was always to move SNCOs to VRT rather than the other way around to make it more accountable.
from what i have heard the Army don’t want to give their Staff the same “rights” as our VRT (maybe because of the ability claim/complain?) and so rather than every get more accountability and “status” its going in reverse…
If my RFCA is anything to go by The reason RFCAs are running out of cash is through bad management, incompetence and a clear lack of ability
I don’t want to go into further details as they are known for pursuing people who slate them. I will just I have nothing to add.