SCC Officers do not wear identification flashes on their shoulders, as we wear the RNVR ‘wavy’ lace which is no longer in use for anyone else (with the RNVR being disbanded a long time ago). SCC Senior Rates on the other hand, do wear “Sea Cadet Corps” flashes on their shoulders, as they wear the standard RN rank badges.
Which was exactly my point (I think)? SCC Officers wear Wavy Navy which no one else use anymore, I seriously doubt that they will be binning this in favour of straight lines and SCC Pins.
As the only people in the VRT if it becomes defunct there is no reason we can’t keep our pins!
The WExO’s who were employed and commissioned into the VRT for their role, will be the only one’s remaining in the VR(T) until they leave their employment. Reason being, they don’t sign on for 5 year renewals, so theirs cannot be taken off them.
So it seems we go into yet another period of communication breakdown or more accurately no communication whatsoever by HQAC, leading to the rumour mill going into over time and grapevine twanging like a good’un.
WTF don’t they just tell us what’s going on and so on and stop all this conjecture and chinese whispers. Or is that too easy? If they don’t know anymore than what’s gone out tell us that as well, but tell us ALL officially at the same time.
They’re pretty quick when it suits them.
I was sent a document titled 20161028 - Cadet Forces Commission_updated LTT-O[4].docx by our Wing Warrant Officer over the weekend. Checking to see if it’s on Sharepoint - if so will provide a link
Already on Sharepoint:
I like the irony of the Warant Officers sticking their oar in.
Not surprising at all that something purely relevant to officers comes from an SNCO in this glorious organisation with it’s cock-eyed and random approach to doing things. I wouldn’t be surprised if people at HQAC haven’t put it all over FB, instagram, twitter, tinder, snapchat, random email to mates etc, all except the people in the organisation that actually matter.
There is a real sense that they make it up as they go along each and every day.
You are totally wrong there. The information is available on MySpace.
And don’t forget Bebo
I don’t think it’s tight that it only applies to officers. The new organisational container as well as the new terms of service also apply to SNCOs
I was only referring to this particular change. In general you are correct and you would expect a briefing, no chance of that.
In the company I work for a change like this you would be summoned to a breakfast meeting and have it delivered en masse.
The SOP within this organisation is partial and fractured dissemination on the lines of divide and conquer, in the knowledge that leakage will occur causing maximum confusion and people all coming to their own conclusions, so when they actually get around to doing what they should have initially it’s a complete mess.
I seem to recall a missive her ladyship about communication in the ATC when she first took over and that died a death PDQ.
Cadet ‘Force’ will soon sound to start “too aggressive” if modern trends continue…
I fear there will be a lot of unintended consequences in this - and if we are not careful, this is the slow and slippery slide into the ‘RAF Scout’ arena. It won’t be long before someone decides that we don’t need the Uniform of the Parent Service before long.
How the new Commission is viewed among Employers will be key to whether former VR(T) are afforded extra time off (paid or otherwise) under the Armed Forces Covenant banner - whilst the VR(T) were never really meant to be part of this, many people enjoyed a happy relationship where they got the time off and the Employer could allocate them against their stats as to be being seen to support the AFC…
It’s as if RC(N) has been watching this thread with interest, as he today issued a brief that clarifies/answers most of the questions people are asking about the new commission. In summary:
- ATC ranks unaffected - will still continue to be appointed into the ATC.
- ATC retains its strong links with RAF
- Officers will still be gazetted
- Uniform and rank insignia will continue to reflect the parent service
- Officers no longer subject to Armed Forces Act
- Uniformed staff will retain MOD90.
- Membership of messes unaffected
- Consultation on insignia underway
- VA/Remuneration remains unchanged
Much of the changes depends on moving over to the new commission from the current VR after 5 years.
But I would say at each 5 year period it is an extension of service we continue with our commission. Our terms and conditions do not change just because we sign on for another 5 years. My service does not end and another service begins. I do the same job on the same sqn doing the same duty. For your boss to say that your T and Cs change is not legal even for a volunteer.
The crux or the question is what is meant by Extension? Can they change our status at that point?
Yes they can. You don’t agree the new T&Cs and (sadly) you don’t have to be confirmed to the extend and your service is terminated.
You will find they can change your “status” whenever they want. Some things may require less paperwork than others, but it is still doable.
If a change is status means less of an imposition on people by some who like to hang the you are an RAF Officer and giving orders to attend/do this or that, and we enter truly into the volunteer spirit of being staff, bring it on and I’ll gladly convert.
Perhaps I can have a beard when the new commission comes in.