VA Changes Announced

So just thinking further on this. Could the remuneration be balanced as something you accrue.

So 5 days basic but then say 6 days per quarter provided you’ve done your 12hours volunteering in the previous months. (Or even double it)

So those minority of volunteers who only show up for paid duties don’t get it.

Those volunteers who turn up for everything & expending more wear & tear & need to replace things get a bit more VA.


But that never happens :wink:

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A lot of it comes down to what VA means for you as an individual. If you happen to mention you get “some form of pay” for a volunteering job usually its followed by a laugh and a volunteer and then I break it down and explain. That for me I do 2 nights a week plus outside of work, personal training and development on updated regs, Sqn night planning, event planning, liaising with local charities, RAFA/RBL etc, planning meetings for local events, RFCA inspections all of which there is no pay. Plus several other events run through wing that are not VA claimable but need staff assistance to run.

When we get to VA make it easier will say its £80 per day. Firstly you have to minus the tax (that usually causes questions) if your basic rate that’s - £16 down
Running total of £64 per day to cover Food and messing costs and other personal purchases including buying and maintaining all of your uniform and equipment and also being the welfare, health and safety and first aider of x number of cadets along with knowing all of the other policies etc. When you minus off a VA claimable day and take off basic 3 meal food and drink costs, we aren’t left with that much and that’s if you can claim at all!

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Looks like they’ve given up with providing answers to our questions…

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New comedy take on the VA budget being that claims count on the day they’re paid even if the event was in the last financial year.

Result a unit having nearly expended all it’s budget for 24/25 already despite doing nothing claimable since 1 Jun :man_facepalming:

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we are heading towards amalgamation with the ACF…!!

Looking at the culture of the way the Army - as individuals, as units, and as a service - support the ACF, does anyone think that would be a catastrophe?

What about our relationship with the RAF over the last decade or so screams out ‘we love you, and we want to help you…’?


I hope so. Shared resources and halved workloads…maybe.


Yes if you have individuals doing the job and deserve it then they should be set for everyone and not for Region to decide.

Yes because each individual lacks self determination & inflexibility to adapt to local circumstances.

They also lack personnel as their establishment is at company/counting level not detachment level resulting in imbalance.

We aren’t far off as it is at the moment. When you think of the amount of shared buildings, there can’t be that many RAFAC only building left. It would help a lot with resourcing and structure we do both cross over, things like shooting and fieldcraft easily fall under their world. Then on top of this they they do AT & DofE which takes a lot of resource.

Downside less flying opportunities but hardly would go a miss with some. We could easily have an aviation themed opportunity in there, possible link up with Army Air Corps

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