UAS/RPAS (‘Drones’) on squadron

MOD has two clases of drones. HQ need to decide what class our drones fall into so we need to email RAvOs with what we have and all the details.

Type A cannot be used on any DTE. And if stored in DTE must be stored within a faraday cage with batteries out. DJIs are all Type A for example.

Type B and MOD approved drones.

Still can’t fly outdoors until we get new policy which will be out early next year hopefully.

2FTS are looking into some non-public funding to help supplement this drone training.

(I read it over an hour ago, but those are the bits I remember…)

I have always joked that this stands for ‘Chinese Export’. :rofl:

That is quite funny, from the sheer stupidity of it. Are they afraid the Russians and Chinese might use our drones to see how bad our training estate really is?


That’s how I read it. Worried about who makes the parts, and the fact they might be watching!

What is a bit of a shame is that old school model aircraft flying is caught up in all this. It’s not an activity we have done for years but I remember building and flying them as a kid and it was good fun.


Not as simple as it sounds. There is a derogation in place that means the CE mark can be used in place of the UKCA mark indefinitely; however unmanned air systems weren’t included in that last time I looked. They may be now.

And lets not forget, cheap Chinese knock off’s often have CE printed on them - because it quite literally stands for “Chinese Export” - and the symbol is VERY similar - and rarely meets Conformité Européenne standards anyway!!!

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If we’re concerned about Chinese electronics spying on us, presumably this means all MGs and other Chinese marques of car are now also banned from DTE?

The same logic would mean it wouldn’t be inconceivable for the car to spy on us via the parking cameras and in-built microphones.

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But you can still drive a Chinese built car with cameras on to the DE of your choice


The Dept for Business and Trade realised how difficult is was to move away from CE marking and to mandate UKCA marking so now will accept CE marking. How many companies spent a lot of money trying to conform to the new regs only to have not bothered.

Wait, surely if there is a genuine security risk including at the lowest level, zero recording, zero telemetry, dumb tech, we need to be considering a policy for RC cars as well. What if I want to hold a racing competition in my hall (or maybe the car park outside [GASP]) but our cars are manufactured in a hostile state?

Nobody tell them about all the tech / routers / laptops that are on site probably made in hostile states…


I wonder how many CFAVs use Huawei, OnePlus or Oppo mobile phones…?

And they actually have proper transmitting capabilities!


Any phone with TikTok installed is compromised.

Edit: other Chinese spyware apps posing as social media or similar are available.

It’s just like Amazon Alexa and Google Home.

There was a book I’m sure written about a year in the 80s, not sure what it’s called. Where everyone has government wiretaps in their house, and it’s abhorrent.

But I ask my government wiretap for recipes and for my poor choice in music.



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How many of those cheap HDMI cables actually hack data from laptops and transmit them remotely…?

That kind of thing is a genuine concern and the reason why you can’t connect your own peripherals to MOD devices.

Those “state actors” will be well stoked with their int treasure chest when they see my Principles of Flight PowerPoint written in 2015.


Where did you get one so recent?