UAS/RPAS (‘Drones’) on squadron

I do recall this now, but as IBN was delayed some of us forget :slight_smile:

Can I suggest it’s this piece of context that is perhaps missing from the IBN, in order to show the way forward to the wider org.


Units will not have their own Op ID. That infers a legal obligation on the person doing that and that’s not in anyone’s interest. It also means additional costs locally for insurance etc. The minimum the MoD requires is detailed in the IBN. Its must easier to do this centrally with one Op ID and one policy paid for by RAFAC.

Additionally, having a unit Op ID will only allow flying in the Open A3 category, which would negate most unit locations. As 2 FTS we are authorised up to the Specific Category.

I know it also depends on the pilots qualifications but we have some alleviation in our OA from the CAA to allow supervision of DMARES pilots by GVC pilot to operate in a category above their qualification. For example.
Hope that helps.

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Some extra comms coming in video form over the coming weeks/months.

I love MLAs, but I’m definitely missing the context here because as far as I’m concerned we’ve been granted permission to do something by the Girls’ Venture Corps…


Starts reading the new IBN . . . ATCO 75 :frowning_face:

I have to correct myself every time someone mentions GVC.


Do we know how CFAVs will be trained & qualified yet?

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Yes. A network of regional training teams. Fran the trainer starting this year.


How are these to be staffed? Are these to be stood up in addition to any other regional teams and will they be extra responsibilities that people hold or primary posted?

“Regional RPAS Lead” has already been added to ACP 19 as a primary role at regional level.


Yeah but that’s not a team… my concern is duplication of training teams. Why not produce a course folder and get the RPAS lead to utilise existing training teams that already exist.

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If only we already had a collection of Specialist Training Teams across the corps who are experienced in delivering complex courses from a course folder…

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Surely you’d want to put guns on drones? Sounds like fun to me :joy:

They can also drop little blocks of Hexamine tablets onto things at the same time. :rofl:

Just need to find out where I can do my Gunship WHT

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You joke, but ISIS were 3D printing tailfins for Grenade Launcher rounds, then using drones to drop them on things. (I’ve seen footage from the drones POV!)


Only if you have an EPP license :wink:

The Ukrainians are waaaaay ahead on that score.

There’s even a demo of an AK on a drone.

I’m sure much will be written about it all once the war there is over

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How does that work as most fuses need setback forces and rotation to arm?

The films from Ukraine are very good, they just use shaped charge warhead strapped under the drone or grenades free dropped, very effective.