UAS/RPAS (‘Drones’) on squadron


Totally understand what you’re saying and flying the drone in RAFAC will be the same as any other civilian drone operator. Except we will prohibit flying in the A1 category due to risk of injury.

Flying the drone will 100% be under the CAA rules and this is the same wherever you fly. However, we have to comply with some additional security requirements for use on DE only, which restricts the models of RPAS (deliberately not just drones as this applies to any that flies). I think some are conflating the flying rules with the security ones and these aren’t the same thing.

We aspire to deliver the highest CAA qualification, the GVC, to CFAV and cadets. To do so we need to have the appropriate governance to also operate in the Specific Category (high risk in CAA view).

It is hoped to restart outdoor flying in the A3 category very soon. Once the entire manual and ATCO 75 is reissued then I hope it will all make sense. The IBN is a snapshot of some rules, acknowledged with out much context, to reintroduce some indoor flying and give the opportunity for some limited outdoor activity.

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…and focusing on the DE restrictions, which aren’t as strict on Volunteer Estate and private land (according to the IBN).


The weekly brief this week includes the Raytheon UK Quadcopter Challenge, which looks like a great opportunity to get the cadets involved in designing and potentially building a drone. As well as developing lots of STEM and team skills, it’s entirely aviation focussed, and should be exactly the sort of activity that Air Cadets would excel at.

Except, with our current RAFAC rules though, we wouldn’t be allowed to fly the drone, unlike all the other teams taking part. That makes the opportunity rather less tempting (ok, virtually pointless) to advertise to cadets!!


This is a perfect case of left hand not even being aware that a right one exists.

Might I suggest that an organised competition like this would be an easy thing to authorise outside of the current limitations by emailing the team on the IBN for authorisation.

A couple of squadrons participated last year IIRC, with authorisation, so it has been done before.


I’ve tweaked the topic title as I kept getting confused thinking UAS meant university air Sqn & there seems to be 12 different acronyms being used but people in general understand the term “drone”

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So what the hell is going on with drones then?

Just seen RC LaSER share a video on Instagram of a 25 Sqn using a drone to film cadets doing IET training. It’s a really good video, great bit of PR that’s well edited together. We should be doing more stuff like that.

But are we actually allowed to be doing that? If so, where is the line in the sand currently when it comes to drone usage? I thought the line currently was that we can’t use drones outdoors at all. At least not without very special permission from HQ.

If RC LaSER is sharing such videos, can I take that as authority that it’s allowed?

It looks great… apart from the fact it’s totally prohibited currently.

There is a national update coming next week.

That would depend on who filmed it though, it doesn’t look like MOD land and so if an external contractor was used, with the relevant permissions and permits…

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An external contractor being used would still need permission. Checks carried out on insurance etc.

The use of drones outdoors on any cadet activity is prohibited without permission being granted from HQ. Regardless of who flies the drone. The IBN is very clear on this.

Evidently it’s not clear enough given that a) It’s happening and b) Is being shared by a regional commandant, who clearly is okay with it, or wouldn’t be sharing it!

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I might have misread it but the IBN reads as though flying UAVs by cadets/CFAVs is paused.

Ir doesn’t appear to say that third parties can’t use them to film - and anyhow how could we enforce that given they can be present at 3rd party events? All we can do is stop our people using them.

Also the unit might have sought permissions.

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I can smell an FoI going in! :smiling_imp:

Really? As if people aren’t busy enough.


Actually the intent is that it’s any RAFAC activity. You are correct in that 3rd party events would be a challenge but if there are safeguarding and legal issues where we would have to challenge their use. Education is key to empowering our people to challenge appropriately and that’s coming.

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It’s a classic example of how people react to a stupid rule.


It’s not a stupid rule. If you were aware of the risks the organisation were taking and laws that were being broken, albeit in some cases through ignorance, you’d be shocked.

If you owned that risk you’d want to have a reset and start again. That’s what’s happening now.

I know it’s frustrating but there’s some more info coming.

Enlighten us?

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Sorry but to do so would be inappropriate on this forum. But I assure you we have been very lucky not to have had a serious life changing injury.

After the incident/s with potentially serious consequences, I’m surprised that there hasn’t been a safety notice published within RAFAC. Or have I completely missed it?

It sounds like there are some lessons to be shared and for everyone to learn from. Open reporting and appropriate sharing of lessons identified is something we need to be better at, it seems.


Thankfully the correct forum of MS Teams, SharePoint and Email already exists . . .