Don’t be silly! That would involve planning.
Saucer of cream for one!
Don’t be silly! That would involve planning.
Saucer of cream for one!
It could have been, but it wasn’t … It was sent on social media, ohh well there you go never mind. The world didn’t stop spinning, your unit didn’t stop operating, no one died. A few questions were asked but some inquisitive cadets who obviously use social media … it’s great isn’t it, technology that is. I guess for those who operate in the dark ages its a bit of a culture shock, cadets asking questions and all that, who would have thought it !
It has got everyone talking though, it has got the adults asking questions, it has got everyone wondering what it is. Those who live in the dark ages will of course moan and groan about further changes, it was never like this when i was a cadet you know. There are those who will embrace the changes as we as an organisation move forward, refresh our ways of thinking, try something different, enthuse those cadets that we nurture to become better citizens. I do find it quite funny that out of all the accounts on Cadet Central there are 12 or so who are constantly moaning and groaning about everything. If you are still in the Corps maybe you should consider why you are still in if you have so much negative things to say about it, maybe it’s time you find something different to do. Just a thought … although i am sure the minority will have something to say about what I have just said … “sigh”
The point is that we, the end user should NOT have to go hunting through multiple unofficial comms channels to find out official information. Fine put it out on social media if you must, but give us a chance by using official channels too! I’m pretty sure that some information going out on social media should (if classified correctly) actually be ‘Official Sensitive’ and so should not be on there.
Yes WE should, but WE didn’t. I have seen the posts and I find it interesting. I quite like the new badges, I don’t know what the proposed syllabus will be but my cadets and staff have viewed it as a positive step in refreshing the way we do things. We wait for more formal Comms to be transmitted … It’s Christmas I can wait until Jan, my cadets and staff can wait until Jan. If we don’t get it in Jan I can wait until Feb and so on. Will my cadets be the first to get a blue badge, probably not …it’s not the end of the world. My new cadets will get them when they get them. My squadron will still do what it does, my cadets will still turn up every parade night, my staff will still teach the subjects they are passionate about, the parents will still be proud of their son or daughters achievements and the community will still be proud and support their Air Cadet squadron … People need to dismount from their soap boxes and just get on with it. Enough of the whinging and moaning, if you don’t like the organisation anymore go and find something else to do … Seriously !
So asking the organisation to use it’s own official comms channels is whinging and moaning? Use social media, fine, just use the official channels for those that are not comfortable out in that ‘social’ realm, is that too much to ask with out being told to do one, and do something else then.
I think you will find that the various twitter and FB accounts are official lines of communication. Just not Ines you like perhaps?
Oh and I can’t see anything on social media current which is considered official or official sensitive!
And before E Mail was the written piece of paper, everyone complained that E Mail would not work as not everyone had a PC. When BADER was implemented everyone complained that squadrons couldn’t access it as they didn’t have phone lines or PC’s … guess what people moaned and groaned but those who saw it as an opportunity embraced it and got on with raising funds and implemented what was necessary, now its the norm. When Utilearn was rolled out the moaners were at it again, yes its not perfect, what IT system is ! Again we get on with it, embrace it and move on. Social media … OOoooooo … the big bad world of social media, Ohhhh no can’t possibly use that, thats the devils work … PPfftttt. Get over yourself. Yes there have been “stupid” people who have been caught abusing it, they have been weeded out and now no longer in the corps, there will be others who don’t get you can’t use social media to carry out bullying or grooming, they will be found and kicked out. The “nasty” people have been around for a long time and will be around for a long time to come. We can’t stay in the dark ages and not use new technologies, if you don’t like social media then pull up the drawbridge and remove yourself from the grid, find a cave and do some spoon whittling !
As for official or official sensitive information being on social media … please, really, are you serious. if you have seen something that you think is official sensitive have you reported it? I doubt it because no one really understands what official and official sensitive is, even the MoD are struggling to decide the difference ! Short of publicising future plans for a mojor tactical exercise involving special forces and live air support I don’t think anything we do or publicise on social media is actually going to cause grave harm to the government or the organisation. The fact the Squadron 123 advertise it attendance at the local supermarket, come and support us and give your money isn’t going to bring down the government !!!
And why not through the proper routings first? Prior knowledge, the ability to carry out preliminary research, whatever, is rather useful so the staff have an idea of what the heck is going on, not to be blind-sided by an inappropriate release of a major structural change via FacePalm, etc.
Leave HQAC out of this!
Just because your wing training officer hasn’t done their job properly and briefed you, don’t go lying the blame elsewhere.
I didn’t say that I don’t use social media - I’m here aren’t I?.. Read my words and not what you want me to mean.
I do love it when a ‘response’ is far longer than the post that is being ‘disgreed with’ and has plainly misunderstood the sense of the other comment/s.
So we’re the details passed down CoC to Wg Trng Off, is that what you are saying?
Not seen or heard anything from ours…
Yes. Our Training Officer sent us a brief. It wasn’t threat but I knew shat was being done.
Sadly HQAC don’t post updates on this platform.
Point - missed completely.
Maybe people miss your point because you don’t have one? Or make it clear what it is? Try rewording your contribution a little. Or send through an official line of communication?
The problem is not whether something works.
The problem is that we already have to check our emails and look at Sharepoint to try and find out what’s happening, not to mention the use of Ultilearn to host files. The last thing that over-worked sqn staff need is to also start checking Twitter and Facebook for other sources of communication. Providing information in a simple and easy-to-digest form that doesn’t require extra effort on the part of volunteers seems to be one of the things that this organisation is rather poor at.
Different systems for different audiences and different products. But I agree with you.
Indeed. I have no issue of course with duplication of information (so putting out things that might be of interest to cadets is great) but there should be one, primary source of information for staff with everything else considered an additional source which may or may not be used as well.
By all means use soshull meeja to let out snippets or point out bullet points - BUT only after primary / formal methods of promulgation / dissemination of detailed information to all staff - & with the relevant content to ensure that the full,perspective is laid out.
Ii should be a briefing document in Sharepoint Announcements & email to all staff. Makes you wonder if any briefing document is actually in existence yet.
As to promulgation to all, there was a recent letter concerning revisions to the Gkiding & AEF ACTOs - distribution was to ALL CFAVs - got your copy yet??