Staff Exodus

If they published the date of instruction as well as the date of when the instruction took effect that would prove insightful of time taken to progress through the system.


Workflows will do this once rolled out for all HR type processes.

HQAC will have no way to hide their incompetence anymore.

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Read this and thought it rang true for CFAV attitudes Quiet quitting

In short only doing what is required and “quitting” going the extra mile


To stop people contacting you from work have a ‘burner’ PAYG phone. If people want to contact you from work about anything then they can do it during the working period. Obviously this only applies generally if you don’t have an on-call commitment in your contract of service.

So not posted straight away because life but whilst the vacancy postings is concerning it’s actually normal & some if the postings have existed for some time just it’s only now they are being fired out across region.

The volunteer cycle goes in phases & September/autumn tends to be the time of maximum churn for a variety of reasons.

It would be nice if there was some internal vacancy listing of all volunteer roles so volunteers fancying a change could see what’s out there & apply accordingly. Have it always published/updated say on a Friday at 1500 & it gives an idea of how things are going.

@Ben_Wakefield are we able to add this to the suggestions box for something to include on share point /Bader announcements? :slight_smile:

So yes things are tough, yes there’s currently less people and we are five years away from recovery but we will get there :slight_smile:

This is natural churn, yes there is a lot of it but it’s not panic stations yet.


This has a knock on effect up the chain. In my Wing, every single established Sqn Ldr post on Wing Staff is currently filled by a Squadron OC, and in some cases those individuals are triple hatting. OC Wing won’t allow SMEs to have that as their primary role due to lack of staff on squadrons. They won’t promote OCs to Sqn Ldr so individuals are left doing all of the additional work without the recognition of commensurate rank. Nominally 18 established Sqn Ldr posts and we have just 3 appointed. We have OCs with 20 yrs service doing an additional Sqn Ldr post as a secondary duty whilst indefinitely stuck as Flt Lt because there’s no one to take on the unit. Jobs end up getting done to a lower standard because there is simply not enough time in the week to do everything. The system is, unfortunately, broken.



18?!?! How?


That’s the authorised ‘paid’ establishment for Wings as stated in ACP 20. Doubt any Wing will have that many though, most of the SME posts are usually combined with Sector Commander/WSO posts in my experience.


Without giving away my location, my Wing have similar numbers to that shown in ACP20.

I am still to see what benefit this has on the Wing as I am told that we will see the benefits ‘Next Year’ but this has been ongoing for the last 10 years+

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Ive always wanted to know why MCO, sports, h&s and FA are Sqn Ldr…

Yet fieldcraft, dofe and radio arent?

FT and DofE are ‘risk to life’… surely sqn ldr warranted there?


The DofE SME doesn’t approve the risk to life element (unless they are also the WATTO).

But Fieldcraft does so that can’t be the reason.


I find the time stipulation interesting - 4 years, extend a further 4 years and then Regional approval after this - I wonder if that is kept to. I know of a few staff in post longer than that so assume they must have a regional tick.

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I had similar quite some years ago as OC.
Heard a rumour that someone had been told that they were the new OC at my sqn. Week or so later Wg Cmdr turned - " I am posting you to xxx". Erm, 1 - you can’t actually do that, 2 - xxx is the other side of home from work (ie I would be driving past home to get to sqn) and is further away from home and work. 3 - I work a shift pattern which means I don’t finish work until 8 some weeks so it would be almost time for final parade by the time I arrived. 4 - I hear you have already told someone that they are the new OC here, not exactly good comms and management.
Exit 1 Wg Cmdr with lots of back tracking an embarrassing conversation with the potential new OC to look forward to.
Nothing’s new - CoC not realising that we are all volunteers lol


HQ not getting it is almost understandable, but a local Wing Commander has no excuse considering they’re a volunteer as well.


I packed it in many moons ago as it was getting too political and the “fun” element had gone out of it.

Also, Wing was very cliquey and interested only in their “mates”.

No real training or support after Cranwell (both courses). No Wing staff visits to see how we were getting on and to provide support or advice.

Most if not all had never served in the forces but seemed to treat those of us who had as “outsiders”.


From the CCF perspective, every time I look at that I go ‘WTAF?!’ I remember a similar reaction to seeing the Army cadets list of ‘extra-regimental employment’ or ERE posts a few years back.

But, what proportion are double-hatted?

That’s the reality, in most Wings people will be a frying multiple roles, or will be managing people doing those roles who are ranked lower.

In my Wing the Sector Commanders are the only Squadron Leaders, they have a Sector plus they manage a few of the other jobs. If you are just doing the WSO role you too out as a Flt Lt.

Resurrecting a little, but why aren’t ProjOs sought to tick off various activities under an incredibly small pool of sqn ldrs who sign off on the risk to life stuff like AT and ranges?

Then perhaps sqn ldr could also be granted for very long service, irrespective of role. Shows their experience and means they don’t need to abandon the coal face just to promote?

I need to refresh myself on how the Army Cadets do things, but I’ve noted how the RAF seem to be a bit weird about OF3 promotions too. In the Army, you’re almost certain to get it eventually.

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