In September 2010, a new classification structure, syllabus and examination process came into force. The following subjects are available: Piston Engine Propulsion, Jet Engine Propulsion, Rocketry, Aircraft Handling and Flying Techniques, Air Power, Airframes, Avionics and Aircraft Electrical Systems, Military Aircraft Systems, Basic Air Navigation, Basic Principles of Pilot Navigation, Advanced Radio and Radar, and Data Communications. Master Air Cadet has its own new badge for the brassard which shows an ATC Falcon surrounded by laurel leaves.
3 for Senior, a different 3 for Master. ACTO 001 also details the subjects for 1st Class and leading, as well as the PTS. I see no reason why you couldn’t ask to see it if you wanted to.
You’ll need to tell your staff (should be your Training Officer) which you want to do so they can authorise them on Ultilearn.
AAES was never an issue, as it’s never existed in any form other than the ACTO.
SDC was a much bigger problem - I had a cadet self-study for it about 5 years ago, using the materials on Ultilearn. It was only when I tried to register him for the exam and asked my Wg BADER POC why I couldn’t access the exam group, that we found out that the exam didn’t actually exist. Marvellous.
That’s 100% a human, command problem! Who thought it was a good idea to upload the training material (at least without a warning) when there was no exam?
Anyone have any idea when the Master Cadet award will be available to CCF cadets? I have passed six subjects at senior level and would quite like to one-up one of my fellow NCOs…
Officially the Master Cadet award isn’t open to CCF, although I let my cadets wear the badge if they do all six senior/master tests. If you want the BTEC you can claim it but you need to complete the first class logbook (available on Badger) and pay £55 as only ATC get it free. I liaised with TG1 at HQ. Your staff can email him (TG1@air…) for further info.