Saluting civilians

is there definition for entitled?

and if so is there easy recognition?

Yes. Look at AP818 (quoted above)

Why is everyone getting their knickers in a twist over such a trivial thing? If you salute an individual out of respect, there is nothing wrong with that. Was I wrong for saluting a 94 year old chap (he was a Sgt) wearing the Legion Of Honour presented to him by the French for his service during the war? Who salutes the local war memorial? I do, when only the Cenotaph requires a salute. There are so many things SO wrong within the ACO maybe fix them first and then worry about the trivia.

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As every good Air Cadet should know…


yes i know there is a definition i posted it…that was rhetorical

my second question was the point i was trying to make…

RLC Captains are not to be saluted, retired ones even less so…

Wah?? And some more character

Everyone knows RLC recruit almost entirely from the bottom third - ATO’s excepted…

Do you salute Pickford’s when you see them? No, and so why would you salute RLC?

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As historically a salute is the same as doffing a hat, and you would doff your hat out of respect to a vicar, MP, &c…

Yes, I know there are regs, but common sense applies here. If your MP visits your unit in an official capacity it seems polite.


i rather take the veiw that people who need to be told who they ought, or ought not, to salute, probably ought not to be Officers.

a salute is a complimemt, it is a courtesy - someone who needs to read a book about manners not only doesn’t have any, but almost certainly has the social graces of a dog turd in a swing park…

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If they need to be told, then they probably need the big print edition… :smiling_imp:

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