Just had a look at gov.co.uk and there is a lot on there.
16 year old cannot work more than 8 hours a day an no more than 40 hours a week.
I also know that a 16 and 17 year old cannot work after 10pm
Can’t work below 13
So they are classing what the cadets do at RIAT as work or at least voluntary work. Where does that leave staff? I wonder what else cadets do is work?
To answer my own question. Flight Staff cadet at AEF, VGS and AGS, car parking, bag packing, duty NCO on a camp.
I suspect RIAT is unique in that it is providing a workforce for another, nominally profit making, organisation (I know RAFCT is a charity but it’s still making money for itself via the show). Hence it could be viewed as work a lot more easily than the elements (all within our own organisation) which you mention.
Please educate me if I’ve got the wrong impression but this is what’s put me off ever doing RIAT as a Cadet. I got the vibe it’s just a camp where you spend most of your time as a cheap labour force for the organisers with time to actually enjoy yourself a 2nd thought.
RIAT will request lets say 50 taskings per day to the RAFAC. those taskings may require 12 days for 3 hours or 100 cadets for 10hours.
in the case of a 100 Cadets for 10 hour duty (example: Crowdline) the tasking is split across a number of flights split between early and late shift with a likely 1-2 hour overlap in the middle.
so to answer your post directly:
half your time - each duty would either be the full flight of 12 Cadets for half a day (~6 hours) or for the full flight for 10 hours but is a light duty where you can stand half the flight down for half the day.
for the last 10 or so years this has been the case and a “time on duty” record has been a well established part of the Flight Commanders remit to indicate who was on duty when which are checked on by area managers to ensure flights are getting adequate and sufficient breaks
as above - half of the show day (Fri, Sat or Sun) should be considered “on break” and so plenty of time to see the showground, climb over aircraft and see the attractions.
there has been a poor/no attempt to dismiss the rumour that is slave labour by those CFAVs who run RIAT, but when Cadets and Staff return year after year is there much need when those who do turn up do so willing for another year…?
(for the record I argue yes, there is a lot of bad press about RIAT and the suggested slave labour, although a lot was done to ensure this was not the case, by recording hours, there was little to promote the changes to the wider RAFAC community and unfortunately some still see it through the negative eyes of others rather than attending and seeing it “ain’t half bad”)
It should be put out there by our HSEP bods as a lessons learned for all of us to see. They are quick to publish other organisations reports. The RAFAC as an organisation must use it as a learning experience for all.
Entirely agree. We are actively integrating discussions of the MAIB report into the 4 paddleboarders into our paddlesport courses to use as learning points. This DAIB report should be disseminated to all for the same reasons.
I really want to know what law were we breaking for all these years, and how it has only now been discovered. Is it working hours, or is it taking cadets out of school?
Day visits are not an option for us, it’s a 12hr trip each way in a bus, which is a shame as RIAT has always been a highlight for the Sqn.
From our Sqn of 45 Cdts only 4 are over 16, we, like a lot of Sqns are a very young Sqn. Wonder how this will impact their workforce for the main camp? From our 4 only 1 actually wants to go to RIAT too, whereas I have a load of 14yr olds chomping at the bit.