RIAT 2022 and 2023

My understanding is that RIAT does have a probably the deepest post event deep dive in the org, so perhaps - especially considering this was such an exceptional year - additional transparency and a better advertised release of those of those findings and action points is required.

Might go some way to restoring some of what has been lost.

Maybe even a specific reporting avenue to give greater visibility of events on the ground, which can be checked and investigated.


Definitely this.

I’ve heard from a reliable source RIAT saw less than 30 heat related injuries not the 150 suggested…and maybe heard “150” as the total which can include everything from foot blisters and minor cuts through to grit in the eye or sun burn to heat related injuries…


Could the 150 also include members of the public? Not an unreasonable number considering number of visitors.

I think we have to be very careful about saying things about lack of confidence - confidence goes both ways, and that then leads to a lack of trust which leads to micro-management & then to the Dark Side of volunteering.

Rock the boat too much & we all fall in. RIAT sounds like it has a well established & comprehensive wash up & review meeting. That would be useful to see once they have collected their data.

Aspects that have been mention such staff treatment & the shouting at cadets is something that’s more embedded in the organisation and will probably be occurring across the organisation on camps & events. It is a symptom of an issue highlighted by RIAT, not caused by RIAT.

August is Silly season & the temp doesn’t help. Let’s just focus on making the summer fun & getting back to the simple things :slight_smile:


I will also say that the member of staff from my sqn who went, and the several cadets who went with them, did all enjoy themselves a lot.
Yes, there were issues - what camp doesn’t have issues? - but if the things spoken about here weren’t visible to all, then nobody had their trip soured.

Plus, they got pics with Tom Cruise, so that’s fun.

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Difficult when the senior people in this organisation are hard to submit feedback to, and how receptive they are at times. We all know how well passing info up the CoC works. Otherwise agreed, though.

One could argue that’s still quite a lot. 30 heat injuries in 1000 people is circa 1 in 33. In cadet terms, that’s about 1 in 3 flights will have someone with a heat injury. Although, the estimated 1000 total attendees includes CFAVs.

Let’s see what happens with climatic injuries, precautions, etc, for D&C Camp in August; but that’s a whole different thread…….

i agree this is concerning - however in my RIAT experience, if one goes down in a flight they are rarely alone - so although accept the “average 1 in 3” flights had an issue, it is likely to be far fewer than this as if a flight is effected it will be see 2 or 3 others as well - it is often a case of poorly managed flight (ie Staff) seeing multiple cases rather than a single individual in a flight - if a CFAV has have 10/11 Cadets ok chances are they’ll be able to cope with 12 - those who can’t (or don’t) manage the team’s welfare find that it is more than one that falls foul of errors made

(and that is across the week/10 days - not the weekend remember the build team were in the hottest of the temperatures at the start of last week)

Another concerning story recounted this evening to me - Cadets sat on the crowdline in 34 degree heat for several (corrected from seven as cannot be sure that or ‘several’ was said) hours with no break then not relieved on schedule, when concern raised by CFAVs they were told to stay out or flying display would be cancelled :flushed:

Just having a chat with mine who were there and they are saying similar. Been told they know of 20 that went to welfare/medical on the Saturday due to heat.

But above all, they said it was generally an amazing camp. Just a bit hectic at times, but that’s nothing new I guess!

If proven CRAFAC needs to sort this out. I’m sure that is illegal under the Health and Safety at Work Act S3. People had better hope their parents/guardians don’t do one of three things, put in a formal complaint, or talk to a solicitor or even the press about the lack of safeguarding or all three.

Have a day off!

cadets and CFAVs dont “work”

Section 3 is specifically for how you effect those who don’t work for you…


S3 covers all those who are not employees. Are the RAFAC ‘employed’ by the RAFCTE?

For the RAFAC to argue this in court may prove very tricky, in particular using the VA defence, then there is the safeguarding aspects of this.

I’ve also replied regarding safeguarding, the use of emotional blackmail is disturbing. Was there a ‘safeguarding’ lead on site??

There was a welfare team on site. I assume they had a leader.

Then did they walk the site checking up on cadets on places like the crowd lines, asking questions and generally being nosy, or were they all in a nice air-conditioned tent? Only needs one or two to man a desk and allocate resources.

If the allegations are true then welfare has failed in its primary mission.

If this was either Saturday or Sunday, then I would say that this was 100% false.

Sunday was split into 3 - 3.5 hour shifts with around 6 flights per shift and no flight used twice. Saturday, most cadets were on task for 6 hours in the afternoon but were being rotated in the crowd line approximately every half hour.

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^ seconded.

There were, though, issues with flights turning up late for taskings (mostly, from my experience, because they’d completely misjudged how long it would take them to get to where they needed to be / find the right person), which did lead to earlier flights not being relieved when they should have been.

Talking to the cadets at my squadron tonight between them they have had at least £200 worth of Personnel belongings lost or stolen from their bags in their tents at RIAT not including issued and private purchase uniform that also disappeared worth a few hundred pounds. according to them they aren’t the only ones it happened to in their tents. My cadets are saying theft was rampant and they were told by the staff to stop reporting it as it “would look bad.” I wasn’t there so can’t be sure of the accuracy of this but I know these cadets and they are usually trustworthy and not prone to exaggeration.

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If that’s what your cadets have told you then that needs to be reported properly ASAP.