RIAT 2022 and 2023

Any idea when RIAT will go live on Cadet portal? I think it was March last year?

A Wing specific event for bidding has been raised in our Wing

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Likewise here, although many squadrons haven’t shared.

My advice: ask your squadron staff.

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Thanks, will do.


As a “Squadron Staff” likely to be asked my answer would be :man_shrugging:

Im waiting, as im previous years for Wing to ask for nominations and official event to appear on CP

I believe @XH558 asks a valid question as the recently extended deadline doesn’t indicate if the rest of the timeline has shifted


Is this an indication that the age question has severely bitten them in the backside??

Place allocations aren’t due til 13 March.

The poor comms of the calling notice and expression of interest form have likely caused a number of issues.

I don’t think it is the age restriction that has caused the issue more as @themajor suggests its the delay that decision caused to a calling notice usually offered in November not released until February with a slight change in format in application process which has caught WHQs out

Definitely doesn’t seem to be a problem here.
Plenty of applications despite only 2/3 of units advertising the opportunity.

anyone know when staff roles will be allocated?

been announced that oc riat is leaving the org - it can only be hoped someone takes on the challenge for this and future years.

I love events that clash with themselves ! :grinning:

does the stop stop stop today on using some tent types impact RIAT camp?

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I was curious about that as well

yes and summer camps in 12x12s…

Quite late in the day to work out if the MOD has enough compliant ones to support aswell

Almost feels deliberate. HQAC can turn around to the organisers and say their “hands are tied, there’s no accommodation, what can we do?!”


Exactly what i said

Twitter post from someone who supports RIAT looks like they have the tent situation in hand.