Recruitment Posters

not on brand either.

[boring] if you are going to use the roundel, it is all or a quarter according to the guidelines

i also agree with the two Tutor photos - it shows what is possible and sets us out to be different from the rest, but isn’t really representative…

Nope, No I haven’t. Haven’t looked at installing it on my Ubuntu machine. Plus don’t want to have to create an Adobe Fonts account.

If I really wanted it to be representative then I’d just put photos of poor drill and classification lessons . . . /s over, of course I could swap out photos.
I’d like to gather a collection of photos so that around a event there are posters of the same design but with some different pictures on each one.
Plus if I’m really trying to fill spare time, I’d like to look at creating a brand portal like the CCF have where you can pick and choose images and captions to create a poster or banner.

I’m afraid you’re wrong there, the latest Brand guidelines state:

Don’t show less than a quarter
of the roundel. The red, white and
blue should always be seen.

i stand corrected

Why use a generic email and not a squadron one?
Are looking to get people into your sqn? If so, put your sqn details or all that will happen people might see it, but not know where to go locally and end up somewhere else.
I don’t know why we get caught up on ‘branding’ as we don’t have a brand or logo that means anything, identifiable or understood.

But surely using a picture of a viking is a bit of false advertising :wink:


exactly - my point precisely

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I’ve placed the hqac website address on as it suites my purposes.
Specifically I’ll be printing ~ dozen of these posters to be used as a regional air show with cadets and staff from multiple wings.
These posters could be laid out to have more “local” details on them, however for my purposes they just need to increase awareness so that they come and find the air cadet recruitment stand during the day.

I have to disagree, we have a very recognisable brand. People see the RAF logo so immediately associate us with the RAF and is there in plain text that we are the Air Cadets.
Most people have an idea of what the cadet forces are so don’t mix the two.
Alternatively we could just be miss-identified as “soldier people” . . .

If that was true then that would be MORE of a reason to get ‘caught up in branding’. :man_facepalming:


This is a one I’ve recently designed for our Squadron. Left is front, right is back, printed double sided A5.


I like it! :grinning:

Really nice!
Could you upload to air cadet central or a file share site for download?