Recent ex-cadet considering returning as CFAV

As the author of the quoted post, I think I should say that these issues do still exist, but you can still join and do a lot of good. The more people that join for the right reasons ready to stand up and fight to make things better, the easier life gets for all of us.


Presuming he is between 20-25 which on re-reading OP that does seem to be the case

Very sound point.

This organisation is full of people working really hard to make this the best place to be. The more we build that capacity, the more great work we can do (and the easier unit management gets).

You will only know the answer to your question if you try life as a CFAV. I would suggest you first call into all the Sqns within travelling distance and have a chat, you may find one which fits your interests perfectly. Moving away from your CWO Sqn and starting as an adult, not as an ex-cadet, does have its benefits.

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