RAFAC Officer - Retirement age

This is what was indicated in our discussion all those years ago.

It wasn’t only the fact people wouldn’t reappy, the position of people wouldn’t apply on the basis of why didn’t people want to continue was put forward by one person. Which shocked the Wing Staff as who wouldn’t want to be a Sqn Cdr.

It’s a great idea. Except we are struggling to fill the OC vacancies anyway so what difference would it really make.

I personally wouldn’t want to stay in the same place/role for more than 4 or 5 years anyway as by that time you start to stagnate and it becomes time to move on to a new challenge.

That’s alright until you reach an age when you can see the end on the horizon and a new challenge is the last thing you need.

The only challenge I need now is getting a decent crop of tomatoes, radish, lettuce and getting flowers to come good from seed.

I’m not sure if moving removes the notion of stagnation in the Corps, because where ever you end up, the basic problems stay the same. I’ve run 3 squadrons and apart from some newish faces, it is a bit, the more things change …