This would be a great option, and I’d essentially look to specifically authorise each unit so there’s total clarity on what each unit can use.
My initial thoughts have been relating to the wing badge and no higher, but early in the thought process.
This would be a great option, and I’d essentially look to specifically authorise each unit so there’s total clarity on what each unit can use.
My initial thoughts have been relating to the wing badge and no higher, but early in the thought process.
I know of units who have spent loads on the wrong stuff, which is why clarity needs driving, in my opinion. It’s not fair on people who think they’re doing the right thing.
Keep the productive ideas coming. I’m writing them down.
I understand your objections, you’re largely arguing against things I’m not proposing, or in a way I wouldn’t strictly approach them.
That said, I have flagged the issue to one unit simply because I was aware how much they invest in cool stuff / heirlooms with the wrong badge on it.
They are and always were. That’s why clarity is required.
If clarity is required, then it’s not clear, and is therefore arguable.
But it’s not an argument you would “win” so, I say don’t have it,
The official register has filled up quite a bit this weekend!
Thanks to everyone who has reached out to support. You’re all awesome!
Perhaps worth posting blank templates that sqns & wings can download so they can sort their designs.
One for with the number blocks For sqns & one for those without for wings/regions/specialist teams.
Along with guidance on what is and what is definitely NOT acceptable. Plus links to the latest guidance on how to get things ‘properly authorised’ (by the latest iteration of rules/interpretations).
I’ve made a couple of those as templates for my rough mock-ups, but I’d be a bit nervous about providing the tools like that.
The Inspectorate of RAF Badges used to provide the official pencil sketch and then request the funds, but they found units would take that elsewhere and do a DIY job, so now payment is required first.
I don’t want to contribute to units thinking they have an authorised badge because they’ve flirted with the process or borrowed an “official” template.
I need to sit down and do a couple of graphics to make this stuff really clear. Just struggling to think how best to do it.
I could of course provide the inner “frame” so units know how much space / the shape of the space they have to play with.
This would probably be helpful for those bringing things up to scratch to help visualise designs better. Or even when pushing designs up for approval/incorporation.
I don’t think it will contribute to units thinking the have an official badge but it will encourage units to become compliant or at the very least avoid gash badges
I’d forgotten about that!
If you think that answers all your potential questions, I’ll do a speedy mock-up along the same line as that.
Looks like a pretty authorised method of having an unsanctioned badge to me there…
It’s a good point to be honest.
If I read the branding guidelines document as a standalone thing I would assume that I could make and use my own badge, as long as I stick to the rough guidelines and made sure there was nothing offensive.
However I would instantly realise that the document is massively out of date and not to be trusted as the email listed is still and one and a separate private one which is slightly outrageous But, it is dated 2018 at the top. We have policy that is older than 2018 that is still technically ‘up to date’.
Although is does say that the badge does need to be approved by JToL even if not going through the full College approval process.
All makes it very difficult for anyone from HQAC to turn around now and say that all badges that comply with this guidance, but aren’t sanctioned by the college are banned.